34: telling everyone🖤

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It is now Wednesday half way through the week and it has been two nights since me and Louis got half engaged, i still cant believe it! I know we wont be getting married for at least 2 years if not more but it just shows how committed we both are and how much we love each other!

I am now currently in my bed scrolling through instagram, today i have filming in the morning up from 11 till 1, then rehearsal from 1-3! Just not it is 9 so i still have a couple of hours! Scarlett was laying in her bed and we were both chatting about life while on our phones.

Me and Louis haven't told anyone about us being half engaged yet, we're calling it half because we're not fully but just so we both know we're committed

! I think we were actually going to tell everyone tonight because we all finish at 3 today, we will face time Robbie, molly and the boys and tell them and then tell the rest of the house. Acacia and Aaliyah were coming over tonight as-well

I got out of my bed and went to the bathroom and brought clothes with me! I just decided on camo jeans with a black t shirt! I then wore my black vans, i curled my hair and then did light makeup!

When i was done getting ready i went downstairs to see everyone eating McDonalds breakfast

"Theres some on the table for you Danny just brought it in" scarlett said

"Aw thanks Danny" i said and he smiled

"No problem!" He said and continued eating, i was a bag and took out pancakes and i poured the maple syrup over them and then sat on the couch eating it, i then noticed Louis walk through the door and he saw me and smiled.

He came over and sat next to me, he then tried to eat a bit of my pancake, which i pulled away

"Please" he said and pouted "because i love you" he said in the cutest voice which makes it impossible for me to say no

I rolled my eyes and gave him a bit and his eyes lit up

"Thank you, i love you" he said taking my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine

"I love you" i said back and he pecked me on the lips and i could see him looking at my ring, i smiled.

I then got a text, i looked to see it was lottie

Lottie: hey Reags, me and the girls were wondering if you wanted to come over after you have rehearsed later? Xx

Raegan: yeah sure, is around 3:30 okay? Xx

"Im going over to lotties tonight" i said to Louis and he gasped and held his hand over his heart

"Ditching me for my sister!" He said and i laughed and pecked him on the lips

"Ill be back for seven to..." i said then gave him a look and he nodded knowingly and i then got another text from Lottie

Lottie: yeah thats great, ill send you my address later xx

I cuddled up to Louis, my head on his chest, his arms around me and his head rested on my head.

We stayed like this for about a hour until i had to go to filming so i got up

"I dont want you to go" he whined making everyone else laugh, i rolled my eyes

"I love you but i have to go" i said and kissed him quickly

"I love you bye" he said and i smiled and me, scarlett and shan all got in a uber


After visiting Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy and Phoebe i was now on my way back to the house, i had a great time! Im so happy i get along with them well! I told them about me and louis being half engaged as they deserved to know first, Louis was okay with me telling them. They were all so happy though!

When i arrived back at the house i walked in to the sitting area and saw Louise with anthony, dalton, danny and brendan just chatting. I smiled and he got up and came over to me!

"Simon first?" He said and i nodded and took his hand

"Up to my room?" I said and he agreed, we both went up and shut the door, we sat on my bed and phoned simon, he was actually really happy for us!

"I think my mum and dad now?" I said

"Yeah of course" he said and we phoned my mum

Mum: hello?
Raegan: hi mum its Raegan, I'm with Louis!
Mum: hello darling, hi Louis dear
Louis: hello
Raegan: how is luke?
Mum: the same really not much change
Raegan: ill be home on Monday to see you all, is dad there?
Mum: yeah will i put him on?
Raegan: can you just put it on speaker
Mum: ok thats it
Dad: hello raegs, hi louis
Raegan: hi dad
Louis: ok so we have something to tell you
Mum: ok go on, your pregnant aren't you?
Raegan: no no no not yet, we are actually engaged, well we're saying half engaged, i know its fast but we love each other and the wedding wont be anytime soon
Dad: oh my thats great! Louis you better look after her
Mum: oh my gosh i am so happy for you both
Raegan: thank you guys
Louis: Don't worry i will, i love her with all my heart

We soon ended the phone call happy with how that went! I am so happy

"The boys?" Louis asked knowing they were like my brother, i nodded and i face-timed Jack putting the camera so you can see me and Louis! I know they were all meeting up today

"Hey jack" i said and he grinned

"Hey guys!" He waved and smiled, louis waved aswell

"Are the other boys there?" I asked and he nodded

"Yeah! BOYS" he said well shouted and they all run in and saw me

"Raegan" they all shouted and sat down beside jack

"Hey guys, i miss you all! So me and Louis have something to tell you!" I said and they all looked serious

"Your not pregnant are you?" Blaise said and me and louis both laughed

"No why does everyone think that?" I said

"Maybe because you guys are sexually active" jon said and they all cringed

"Ew stop! No anyway" i said they all shut up

"Were engaged" Louis shouted to the screen and i showed my ring

They were all really happy for us, better reaction than i though, we soon hung up and told molly! She cried, cutest reaction ever

We now just needed to tell everyone else.

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