27: Trouble in paradise🖤

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It is now Wednesday and today me and Louis head back to the x factor house and i don't really want to go back without mols! Im so excited to see Scarlett and Shan though! And louis' boys!

We were all packed and i was bringing some new clothes that i bought, back to the house, i went shopping yesterday with Molly after going to the hospital in the morning, me and Lou went this morning so we have been today as-well!

We were both currently packing our things in the hotel, well Louis' things, i was helping him. We were both already dressed and ready we were leaving in about ten minutes. We have been practicing a-lot for the weekend as me and Louis both want it to go well! We both love the song choice.

When we were done we went out to my car after checking out and drove back to london!

When we arrived back i went straight to my room to put my stuff in since everyone else was at rehearsal and i face timed Jack, i saw a interview of him where he started crying and it made me cry so much.

It rung a couple times till he picked up, he was in his bed

"Raegan ahh i miss you" jack said and i smiled

"Jack!! I miss you so much bestie! How are you?" I asked and he grinned

"Good good, just missing everyone" he said and frowned a little

"Aww Jack everyone misses you too, i saw the interview when you got upset! It made me cry so much Jack" i said and he smiled a little

"I couldn't even help it i was just emotional" he said and i laughed

"Aw your cute, cant wait to see you all" i said and he jumped a little

"Oh yeah about the sleepover The boys were talking about asking you if we can move it to this weekend instead and you can just come with us after the show on Sunday?" Jack said and i grinned

"Yeah if it means i get to spend time with my boys I'm up for it" i said and we both smiled widely

"Oh and I need to tell you something but you cannot repeat what I'm about to say and you never heard it okay?" He said and i panicked a little

"Yeah jack what is it?" I asked and he grinned

"So um you know Jon? Don't tell him i told you but he kind of has a crush on you" he said and my jaw dropped, i was not expecting this

"Jack are you being serious?" I said and he nodded

"Yeah he got upset when you and Louis made up and thats why he was always the first one to comfort you! He told us all" Jack said and i felt so stupid

"Oh my gosh! I love Jon so much but in a brotherly way nothing more, I'm in love with louis! What do i do Jack?" I said and he sighed

"I don't know babe! I love you and Louis together and i understand! I was just telling you in case Jon was being weird" he said and i nodded

Louis POV (new)

I saw Raegs run up the stairs and i smiled at the sight of her, i love her so much!

Everyone soon came home and hugged me, i greeted everyone and said hello before me and the boys sat down to play x box, we all decided to order food

"Ill go ask Reags if she wants anything" i said and they all nodded and i walked up stairs and heard her talking to someone

"So um you know Jon? Don't tell him i told you but he kind of has a crush on you" i heard a Irish accent say, probably Jack, i clenched my jaw and my hands went in to fists

"Jack are you being serious?" Raegan said and i heard silence before he spoke

"Yeah he got upset when you and Louis made up and thats why he was always the first one to comfort you! He told us all" jack said and i felt so angry, i knew they were all way to close with her

"Oh my gosh! I love Jon so much but" i heard and blocked out the rest, my heart broke, she loves him?

I walked away from the door and stormed downstairs and grabbed my phone and walked out, everyone looked confused, before storming out the house and to my car! I was so angry, i thought she love me?

Raegans POV

I soon hung up with Jack because i heard everyone downstairs, i walked down

"Scarlett Shan" i shouted

"Ahh Raegan" Scarlett said and got up to hug me and say hello

"Raegan" Shan shouted and hugged me

"I missed you!" I said and she agreed

I went around and hugged everyone else as-well, then i sat down beside Anthony and everyone sat around

"So hows your brother?" Brendan asked

"He is still in the coma, no progression" i said quietly and they all frowned

"Where Louis?" I asked realizing he wasn't here

"Oh yeah he came up to ask if you wanted a Chinese and then he came back down and stormed out, we don't know why" Anthony said and i felt really confused

"He didn't come in to my room, i was speaking to Jack the whole time! I don't know why he would storm out" i said very confused

"Oh thats weird" Acacia said and i nodded, i pulled out my phone and tried to phone him and they all watched, it then went to voicemail

"No answer" i said huffing and texting him

Raegan- hey Lou, where did you go? X

I sent it and we all ordered a Chinese, i got salt and pepper chicken, my usual, and we all got two munchie boxes to share as-well as our meals.

We all watched last weekends x factor while eating as none of us had seen it, Louis still hasn't texted me and I'm getting worried

Raegan- Louis?

I sent and frowned a little, Louis always replied with in half an hour and its now been a hour

"Babe are you ok?" Scarlett said and i shook my head

"Im really worried, he never doesn't answer me" i said and she smiled a little

"Its fine, he has got to be at the studio tomorrow so if he doesn't answer then we will definitely see him there" Scarlett said and i nodded and we all continued watching

I saw Jack posted an instagram and i liked it and commented a heart! I then posted a picture of me and my brother from the hospital yesterday

'Its been really hard not having you to comfort me through these past few days, i cant imagine what your going through luke, i miss and love you so much💗'

I then posted it and immediately got loads of likes and comments. I took a boomerang of our food then scanned around the whole room where everyone did a little pose

'Movie nights with this lot❣️'

I then turned of my phone and eat my food, i wonder where Louis is?

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