3: You are...🖤

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My heart is pounding out my chest as i am getting ready to find out if I'm through or not.

I have never been this nervous in my life. I am in my hotel in London with Molly, we are getting ready to go find out if we got through or not.

I was wearing a basic black t shirt dress, i had put fake tan on last night so my legs aren't white and i wore black and white old skool vans to keep it casual.

When i was finished dressing Molly came through

"What are you going to do with your hair babe?" Molly asked and i shrugged

"I dont know what do you think I should do?" I asked her

"I think curl the ends" she said and i smiled and nodded.

"Ok good idea, thank you" i said and hugged her, before curling the ends of my hair and then i finished of with some makeup, i put on browny toned eyeshadow, foundation, concealer, contour, highlighter, filled in my eyebrows and mascara.

One me and Molly were both ready we headed off to our where we were to find out, nerves getting the best of both of us

When we got there everyone got told where to go and everyone was split into two groups

Luckily me and Molly we're together so we could be here with each other.

Soon i saw the judges walk through the door and stand in front of us

Louis caught my eye and sent me a small smile to which I smiled back.

I am so scared, this is all i have ever wanted and I'm so happy i got this far, if i get through today i will be over the moon.

"Hello everyone" Ayda said and everyone said hi back to her

"Its been a very hard decision for us, when you watch things back on tape it is a completely different story than the audition, nobody likes to give bad news" Ayda said and my eyes built up with tears as I begun to get butterflies

"However you guys are through" Louis shouted unexpectedly and i stood shocked

I had to make sure i heard it right, but when everyone started jumping around the tears came out because i was so happy.

"Oh my gosh molly were actually through" i screamed hugging her, we all ran over to the judges and hugged them which made them laugh.

I ran to Ayda first and hugged her feeling everyone else congratulating each other and thanking the other judges.

"You deserve this! You will be amazing, well done" Ayda said to me

"Thank you so much" i smiles

Robbie came over making his way around the contestants with his arms open for me to hug and i smiled and hugged him.

"Out of all the auditions your one was one that stood out to me, it may not of been perfect but you have a amazing voice, well done" Robbie said and i smiled wiping a small tear from under my eye

I hugged a few other contestants before I got approached by Simon

"I just wanted to tell you personally how happy i am to see you through to the six chair challenge, you have got so much potential and you should be so proud" Simon said and smiled.

" i actually cant thank you enough Simon, im so happy" i said and he smiled and gave me a small hug and went over to someone else

I hugged a girl i met called Scarlett who was amazing.

"Congratulations beautiful" i said and she smiled to me

"Thank you so much, you too, i cant believe this is happening" she said and hugged Molly

I felt someone tap my shoulder, i turned around to see the one and only Louis Tomlinson, I couldn't stop the butterflies in my belly

"I just wanted to let you know how happy i am your through to the six chair challenge, you deserve it" Louis said and sent me a massive smile

"Thank you so much, i honestly didn't expect this at all, there's so many better people" i said with small tears of joy

He wiped my tears gently and pulled me in for a hug and I felt his breath near my ear making me nervous

"Darling it doesn't get much better than you" Louis whispered in my ear making sure nobody saw or heard

My whole stomach erupted in butterflies and my body shivered and Louis obviously noticed because i saw him smirk as he pulled away.

"I really dont think you should be saying stuff like that Mr Tomlinson" i said and smiled at him trying to act less nervous

"Well I'm just stating my opinion, its my job isn't it?" He said cheekily and walked away taking a look back and me and sent me a smirk.

I just thought about that for a few seconds till someone else came over to greet me and i smiled and greeted everyone back.

Im so happy with all the judges comments to me, everyone gathered again.

"Your gonna be at Wembley again, its gonna be way more intense than you have experienced before but its your opportunity now to do something incredible"

All the judges said bye and left with Louis looking over at me and sending me one last smile before he walked out, i smiled back while shaking my head.

We all got split into our separate categories, Girls, Boys, Groups and Over 25s. We got separated and put in different rooms to find out our judge that we are gonna have to mentor us if we get through.

"Who do you want?" I asked Molly as we stood waiting

"Simon or Ayda probably, you? Or should i even ask we all know who your gonna want" Molly said teasing me

"Oi" i said and hit her playfully "i want Simon probably, he's just good at this stuff" i said and she nodded "or Louis I mean I wouldn't have a problem" I said quietly

"I knew it" she snickered making me laugh

We all stood quietly chatting waiting for someone to walk through the door.

When we got told that we are about to find out, everyone went silent and looked towards the door

After a few seconds we see...


We all screamed as he held out his arms for us to hug him.

"I wanted you lot" Simon said giddily and smiled

"You have all got a shot here, this is probably the best girls category we have had for a long long time, really, lets make this amazing" Simon said before walking to the door

"Goodbye" he said as he gave a thumbs up, i am so happy with everything right now and i cant wait to see where this journey will hopefully take me.

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