Chapter Fifteen: The Pool House.

Start from the beginning

"It's not funny, Josh," she whined as he chuckled next to her, their car in view now.

"It is, but that's only because you were so sure I couldn't do it--"

"You might make me renege," she warned with a giggle.

"Impossible! The way you love me is unparalleled, and you cannot take it back. You love me so much that you were willing to make my family's name an even bigger legacy over being happy. You love me so much that you didn't care that your father was threatening your life. You even loved me after I had neglected you for eight months, for which I cannot apologize enough. You just love me, Naomi, point blank period. You love me, and that means more to me than you will ever know," he smiled down at her as she bashfully blushed under his gaze.

"And you love me," she mentioned back. She always found herself short of words around him, and she had wanted to give him a list of examples of how he loved her, but she was speechless. He made her speechless every second he was around her, and though she hated it, she loved he could make her feel in such a way.

"Damn right I do, and I intend on doing so until we die," he smiled, pecking her cheek as they finally made it to the car the two would drive in the duration of their stay on the coast. "Surprise," he smiled brightly at the SRX he had rented for her. She drove one, and he knew how important it was to have at least a little piece of home with her when they were gone.

"Awh, how sweet," she cooed, turning and kissing his lips briefly, not wanting to linger, less the press have an entire photoset of the two lip-locking. "I think you're just building toward the grand prize."

"You couldn't be any more wrong," he scoffed as he opened the door for her.

"Am I?" She questioned with a smirk.

"Not entirely wrong, but that's not the point, woman! Get in the car," he laughed, holding her hand as she stepped in, clad in her jeans, as he peaked at her backside with a groan.

"Josh, I told you that we're slowing down," she huffed as he kissed her one last time before closing the door, jogging to the passenger side as Dave nodded, giving the security team the cue to head out.

"We can slow down... After this trip," he said once he had strapped himself in, and Naomi started the car.

"Ugh, fine," she agreed with a low growl as she peeled from the parking lot, almost immediately linking hands with Joshua as she drove away.

Joshua had permitted that Naomi could open her eyes, now that the car had stopped, and she paused at the sight before her. The boardwalk was lit up and empty, the people operating the machines being the only ones left. Joshua walked to Naomi, opening her door with a wide smile as she stepped from the crossover. Dinner had been first, where the two dined in the confines of their large hotel room, followed by a private chocolate tasting, which had brought a new surge of energy through being hyper to Naomi, but now, as Joshua held her hand and lead her to the boardwalk, she couldn't have imagined a better day.

Out of all things she had dreamed she would do, playing carnival games and riding rides with a man who loved her unconditionally was not on the list. She enjoyed herself, even kissed Joshua at the top of the Ferris wheel, which they both agreed was too cliché, even for them. Joshua had won numerous prizes, and Naomi had acquired a special purple bear she decided to name after her mother, seeing as her mother's favorite color was purple. Joshua held her closely as the two enjoyed hot chocolate together and made small talk.

"Thank you," Joshua muttered.

"For what?" She questioned, her eyebrow raised as their eyes met.

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