Day 30: Groceries

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"Paper or plastic, sir?"


"I said paper or plastic, sir, which would you like?"

"You people still carry paper? I thought that was considered criminal now. Killing trees or some garbage." There was an awkward laugh. He pulled out his checkbook.

"Ah, I'm sorry sir, but we don't accept checks here."


"I said we don't accept checks, sir. I'm sorry."

"No paper, eh? I guess it's plastic then." He pulled out his credit card after slipping the checkbook away. "You got your answer. Looks like I'll be using plastic, it's the hip thing to do, right?" He ran his card through the reader and continued on as he punched in his code. "Next thing you know we'll be paying using our minds and carrying groceries telepathically. Hahaha."

"Actually, they do that in Seattle."


"I said--"

"No, no. I heard you, I just can't believe paperless, plasticless... telepathic shopping. The future. That's crazy. Well have a good day, son." A wave washed over him with feelings of outdatedness.

The cashier and bagger stood staring, "I don't think he knew you were kidding." the cashier said.

"Crazy old people. Crazy old fuckers."

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