Day 20: Toothbrush - Walk - Battle

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“Well maybe he shouldn’t have left his toothbrush out in the open,” Nikki said, dangling the item in his hand by the plastic handle.

“No, but really Nik—you’ve seen Sean. He’s like, twice our size,” John paused, not sure if that was actually wrong or if the early morning alcohol just made it sound funny. “Sizes?”

“Fuck, I dunno,” Nikki said without paying much attention.

John shook his head to regain his own focus. “Point being; he’s bigger than us, he can and will kick our asses.”

“Well who says he’s gonna find out it was one of us?” Nikki said, lifting the seat on the toilet, he dropped the toothbrush straight down and shut the lid again.

“Because you can’t keep a secret. Everyone in the house knows that,” John said, probably against his better judgment, but again, he was buzzing a little bit. Nikki had won this week’s battle and was currently in charge of the best room in the house. Needless to say, the producers knew what the hick liked and filled his room with so much expensive alcohol, it could literally make your head spin for days. Also needless to say that Nik had invited the lot of them up to party and they’d been drinking, playing some games, and most everyone was passed out by now—at least the ones who actually came to the party. Surprisingly enough, there were still booze left for the morning too. With how this conversation was going, John was pretty sure that some of them were going to need it…

“I’m good at keepin’ secrets. Ya’ll are crazy,” Nikki said, resisting the urge to purse his lips, just a little bit offended. He knew how good at keeping secrets he was. He had been sitting on more than a few for years now. He had secrets that would scare people. He had secrets that would make them swear. Hell, he even had secrets that would shock God himself—All things considered, God probably stopped watchin’ him a long time ago because of the shit trail that followed him. It was the only way Nik knew how to explain his circumstances. Just meant he had all the more to tell the guy when he sat down to have a conversation with him, but for a few years now, it didn’t seem like God wanted to hear it anyways.

“No, you’re not—Look, I wasn’t gonna tell you, but there are a bunch of people here that don’t consider you a threat. You’ve got a big mouth, you drink and your mouth gets bigger—fuck, everyone’s pretty sure your win was a fluke!” John said, following Nikki as he left the bathroom. “And by doing shit like this, you’re only gonna make more enemies. Sean is already after you because you’re gay.”

Nikki stopped in his tracks, turning on his heels, his lip pulled back. “I am not gay,” he snapped.

“What?” John’s face showed utter confusion. “How are you not gay?”

“Because I wasn’t born that way you fuckin’ retard,” Nikki growled.

“Then why were you trying to suck Zach’s dick earlier? It’s not like there’s anything gayer than sucking a dick, Nik,”

“I was drunk, John. There’s a fuckin’ difference between bein’ drunk ‘n actually bein’ gay. Aren’t you s’posed to be educated?” Nikki said, turning away quickly. He was obviously eager to get around somewhere with more people. Apparently, it was just that time where everyone decided they wanted to hide because no one was in the living room as he walked in there. The thought of it being three in the morning didn’t even cross his mind.

“I’m a bartender, Nik. No I don’t have a degree, but I’ve seen my fair share of drunks and they don’t act quite like you do,” John said, he was trying to be careful, but his patience was a lot thinner than normal because of the influence floating in his bloodstream.

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