Day 11: Basket - Slip - Table

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He slipped in effortlessly. Considering this party was so guarded, he figured it would have been far more difficult to get in than it really was. He adjusted the black newsboy cap on his head and straightened the green and black vest over his black button-up shirt. Angel liked to believe that he had relatively good taste, but when you worked in a factory all day and had little to no money left to prove it with a wardrobe, you began to doubt yourself. The music bounced around him as he grew closer to the ballroom. He tipped his hat, passing by yet another pair of guards just out front of ballroom.

The white marble pillars of the castle were something Angel had never seen in his life. Actually, from the city he never thought he’d even see the inside of an older building like this. Most of the cities were now made of metal and man-made materials. It was only the very rich or the very special that lived in places like this. Each pillar was carved out uniquely with shapes and patterns in them that made each a unique work of art all of it’s own, and then in between each pillar and supporting curve were pictures of the royal family that had lived in this building for – God knows how long – hundreds of years at least. Each had long, flowing blonde hair, regardless of if they were male or female. It was well known that the royal family only wedded people with the bright blond hair in order to keep the gene very prominent in the pool. The hair is what gave them status and for any of their kids to now have anything but blond hair… well, let’s just say you’d know who was cheating.

Most of the men had long golden beard as they grew older and the women had blonde hair as long as they could stand. The younger boys all had long blond hair, much like their mothers, and if it weren’t for the way they dressed, it might have been difficult to tell the princes from the princesses—and even then things could be questionably androgynous. Luckily Ike’s target tonight was easy to pick out amongst the crowd. The prince was a bratty little kid that no one in Erihall would miss. Angel remembered one distinct time where the prince had so rudely shut down his area of living and the prince had the gull to tell him to his face that he didn’t give a flying fuck what anyone in the small pod complex needed, he wanted that land and everyone else leave at that moment or have their shit destroyed.

At that moment, Angel wasn’t sure if the prince had big balls or was just that much an idiot. He made a lot of enemies that day, and with hair like his, he really shouldn’t have been throwing anyone under the bus.

Following the velvet off-white carpet and the lines of floor lights that framed it, Angel finally made it to the ballroom. Men and women were dressed more elegantly than he could have ever imagined in his richest dreams. Gowns to the floor without a spec of dirt or grime on them. So bright, clean, and straight they looked like they sparkled under the party lights. The gentlemen that appeared beside each of the ladies wore just as beautiful suits with in black or white with pressed slacks, vests, and blazers. Their ties were the real conversations pieces, made with the finest gems and from fabrics that only the rich could afford. More often than not, the ties matched their female counterparts in some way.

Despite the fact he had his own slacks and a silk vest in green and black, he felt severely underdressed. Perhaps it was for the best he didn’t stick around, should he want to end up on the worst dressed news in the morning.

Jealousy started to bubble up in Angel as she watched the couples dance on the floor, laughter happening everywhere around him. He kind of wished he could be with them, that he could just not be here on a mission and he could just enjoy himself like this 2%, but he knew he would be letting too many people down if he didn’t do what he came here for. He had mouths to feed and a family he couldn’t let down for just one night of fun. It would be so… irresponsible.

Angel kept his head low, eyeballing his destinations the best he could without giving away his destination. He slid like liquid through the crowds.

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