11//I'm On Your Side

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They say it's all fun and games until somebody pokes the sleeping dragon with a stick and we all burn to death. Except this dragon wasn't sleeping, and it wasn't a dragon, it was my mother. 

"Maisie! Get down here right now!" Mum roars, her voice full of anything but positive emotions. 

Maisie and I are currently in my room, I'm trying to keep her away from the situation. I can tell you now when mum's in the state she's in now, no one is safe. Not a single living, breathing being, the dead aren't safe either and that's saying something.

Tears start to roll down my sisters face, I can tell she's scared of what mum's going to do. She's never been one to believe in violence towards others intentionally, I've only ever seen her be violent when she works out. Other than that she doesn't have a single violent fiber in her being.

As more tears begin to roll down her face, I make sure mum definitely can not get into my room. No way in hell is she coming in as the physco bitch she is now. Not a chance.

I climb back onto the bed with my sister and pull her into my arms in an attempt to comfort her. She buries her face into the crook of my neck and just cries. I rub my hand up and down her back to help calm her nerves a little. 

"Maisie I know you're in here, let me in!" Mum yells from down the hall, banging ferociously on her bedroom door. I stay dead silent so she doesn't start taking her anger out on my door instead. 

Maisie let's out a hushed whimper, shit she's getting really scared. She starts to slowly rock back and forth in my arms as she continues to silently cry. At the moment I am going to be forever grateful of the moment mum calms the hell down. Preferably before she breaks something would be nice. 

"Well there goes that wish," I mumble, as the unmistakable sound of glass shattering travels through the house. Maisie desperately holds in what would be an ear piercing scream. As I hold my sister, she starts to tremble and shake in my arms. 

I have to stay strong for Maisie, I think to myself as a stray tear threatens to fall from my eye. I will admit I am scared, wait no scratch that, I'm absolutely terrified of our mum when she's like this.

Long story short, my mother angry is pretty much the equivalent of a fire if you were to pour gasoline over it. That's the easiest way for me to explain it without having to go through mine and my sisters entire life story to this day, and we don't have time for that. Well theoretically speaking we do, but we are not gonna go there today. Maybe another day, but not today.

I'm soon partially comforted by the sounds of my sisters soft snores. How she's sleeping through this when she's the victim in this? I in all honesty, could not tell you. 

My sisters soft snores soon turn into whimpers of pain before quiet mumbles leave her mouth. 

"N-no don't do this t-to me p-please mum," Maisie stutters quietly, almost inaudibly. 

A door bursts open, and I almost jump at the sound. Frantically making sure it wasn't my own door. Phew thank the lord it wasn't my door where Maisie and I are currently hiding out. I'm not religious or anything, but serious, thank the lord that it wasn't my door that got unlucky. This time at least, I have a feeling that my door is gonna be next. 

"Okay Maisie, I need you to hide in the most creative, well hidden place you can think of okay?" I whisper into my sisters ear. 

She simply nods at me before quietly climbing off my bed and tiptoeing across the room to hide somewhere. A safe place, I'm hoping. My plan is if mum comes in to act casually while I try to calm her down. Key word there being try. 

Maisie has herself hidden and I send a quick prayer up to whoever is up above and hope that there's someone or something watching over Maisie and I. The loud footsteps, well stomps belonging to my mother get closer by the second.

The door opens and I freeze mid-breath. I am in all honesty, fucked. Plain and simple. 

"Where's your stupid mistake of a sister?!" Mum roars, full of fury and every other angry emotion that one could think of under the sun. 

I start to tremble in genuine fear. My breathing starts to go way out of line, my heart rate following along like an annoying younger sibling would. I stumble over and onto my bed to get my balance and gain some form of collection of breath. 

I pull myself together as much as humanly possible considering that there's an extremely angry human being in the room with me. I make the mistake of looking her in the eyes, sending large waves of a combination of shock and fear flooding back through my system again.

My composure is gained once again before I start to scream, it comes out ear piercing like both my sisters. Well shit, definitely was not expecting that to come from my vocal cords.

"Leave her alone!" I cry, full of anger and sadness combined as one.

"Where the fuck is she? I know that you know where she is," my mother yells. I honestly don't even want to call her my mother at the moment, I never do when she's like this. And I also have not a clue where Maisie would be in my room.

"As far as my own knowledge goes, she's being smart and staying as far as fucking possible away from you!" I scream.

 "You rude little," she starts before I feel the unmistakable feeling of her hand going across my face. I grasp the side of my face where the pain is.

"Awww is my poor little baby hurt?" She says, faking her sympathy and voice dripping with enough sarcasm that I can physically see it falling from her lips.

"Now tell me where she is before you're in more pain. NOW!" She roars. 


Mum has finally cooled off for the day and apologizes to me for her behaviour, although I still have Maisie in hiding just in case this is a façade to lure her out. 

It's now about 10 o'clock at night so I think it should be safe for Maisie to come back out if hiding. I really hope it is or things could get out of hand on mums end.

"Sis," Maisie whispers.

"Yeah," I answer back quietly.

"Can I stay in here with you tonight please? I'm scared that mum will go off her head again and try to hurt me," she whispers, with a touch of sadness and fear in her tone.

"Yeah, sure sis," I whisper back, "now go to sleep, I'll guard the room." 

She simply nods at me before closing her eyes so she call fall into what I hope will be a blissful sleep. 

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