Chapter 17 Part 2 (END)

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Ohayo minna!

Welcome back, but sadly, this is the end for this book. I hope you all enjoyed this, and thank you to those that answered the questions in the comments.

Results will be posted at the end, now, let's finish this cliffhanging story, ne? 😊


Also, results:

1. Haku's status will be : ALIVE (Definitely)
2. SasuSaku pairing will be : YES (Sadly...)
3. BOOK II of STB : It'll take me some time to get inspiration, but yes.
4. Aki's final gender : MALE (YAOI IS BACK PEOPLE!!!)

(This is his last chapter as a female, and the last chapter of this book. And sorry to say, it's very short, since my old work on this chappy got deleted by damned internet removal. Not very happy about that either.)

Aki's Point of View

"Taidaima, Haku-kun."

I called out with a smile on my face, waiting for his voice to return the call as I let myself and my team and the Sand Siblings enter my former home.

"Aki..?" His voice replied after a while. It seemed laced with disbelief and hopefulness. "Is it really..?" His head poked from the kitchen, eyes wide before they returned to normal, now with curiosity. "Who are you?"

"We'll explain it to him, you two think of a way to fix Aki's little... situation.." Temari and Kankuro said, motioning us to go to our rooms.

"Alright, Tema-nee-san, Kuro-nii-san."


"I see. I think I understand now.." Haku smiled, but it seemed forced for some reason, "Though, I would've liked to see Aki in his original form first after so long. This is quite a lot to take in, honestly." Smiled the nervous and sheepish Ice User.

"Gomenasai, it wasn't planned either. It was a forced jutsu by an unknown woman. We have no clue of her current justsu's duration, though, soon would be much more referable. It's quite uncomfortable under gazes of fan boys here in Konoha ga kure no Sato." I apologized. "Also, how is your life here in Konoha while I was away?"

He seemed to brighten up, albeit with a blush, "I recently got together with a caring woman named Luka (OC). She should be returning from her mission soon. She herself is a Jounin Sensei, and can be quite... territorial about things, and prefers me staying at home."

"So, in your relationship, the roles are reversed?" The was Temari-nee worded it, it was more of a statement, "She wears the pants, I see." She teased. I honestly don't understand their 'humor', as they say.

A sheepish look appeared across Haku-kun's face, "Quite so. Being an Hatake, one of the last few, she's a natural alpha of sort. Her summons are also wolves, fitting for one of her status, don't you agree?" He seemed very fond of her.

"Just cherish her no matter what, and you two should be just fine, Haku." Kankuro-nii voiced out for all of us as I smiled, nodding in agreement alongside Panda-kun. "Just like how Gaara is to Aki." I looked at him, un-amused.

"I lost all respect for you in that sentence, Kankuro." I stated bluntly as he deflated and sulked.

"It's true though, also, Gaara. Can I talk to you for a second? Haku, I need your help on this. Leave Kankuro." Temari-nee, not you too!

"Hai." They chorused as they went to the kitchen to talk in private.

"Who on earth are you two?" A new voice joined the room. Her chakra was unfamiliar. "What are you doing here? Where's Haku? What have you two done with---"

"Calm down, onna!" Kankuro started, "Were here on official business with the Kazekage. He's talking with Haku about something in the kitchen, feel free to join your mate. I assure you, he's not the one about to get hurt from over-protectiveness. Gaara is." I couldn't understand why he smirked as he glanced at me, as if saying a hidden message.

"You mean, she's Haruno Aki? I thought Aki was a male?" She asked as she mimicked his knowing grin, somehow understanding what was being said through that single glance. "Did he ask Aki yet?"

"Not yet, but soon enough. If he doesn't get killed first."

"I better be invited, alongside my team and Haku too."

"Of course. We'd be happy to, just don't cause trouble then, alright?"

"I'm not a kid, Subaku. Now, their coming back. And Haku looks depressed and ready to cry, and Gaara fearful and genuinely scared for his life, your sister--I think at least--grinning like she won the lottery. He approved." She immediately said, making the brunette start jumping up and down with happiness and crying with happiness.

"All we need now is Sasuke and Naruto's approval, and the guy's the luckiest in the entire world." Temari-nee, what in Kami's name are you all talking about?!?!?!

I didn't see the outside world for a while as ordered told to stay at home by Panda-kun as he discussed a few matters with my former Konohan teammates.

By the time they arrived back, he immediately pulled me into a tight hug before he led to the bedroom to discuss something 'extremely important', almost as if his life depended on it.

Locking the door, he turned to face my confused face, a large grin playing on his lips as he pulled me into another hug; that was, before he knelt in front of me, holding up a beautiful , I finally understood why he wanted me to stay at home, and why he seemed extremely pleased with himself.

Putting my hands to cover my mouth, he spoke.

"Haruno Aki. Since the day I met you, I knew there was something special about you.

As I grew closer to you, I knew it was you that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

I knew that you were my fated mate for the rest of my life.

Would you marry me?"

I could only utter one word before I cried.


I was crying happily as he held me tightly in his arms, before he pulled away enough to slip the ring into my left hand's right finger.

"Arigatou, Aki-koi. I promise you, you'll never regret your decision. Daisuki da yo, Haruno Aki."

"I know I won't, because it's you I'm with, Subaku Gaara."

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