Volume 5: The Chosen wielding the Power of Fire and Ice

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Unnamed Spring Maiden: However, although the removal of your powers are not possible, but giving your powers to the chosen few by our conscent isn't so. Even if you give your powers to them, like what Summer said which I will rephrase that, the amount of power given to them will still remain within you.

I nod my head attentively knowing that this is extremely important.

Me: I see....

Summer & The Four Maidens: So now, go forth, Shadow. Fulfill their destinies and train them to become powerful maidens like us.

Me: Understood, my friends.

Summer: And Shadow?

I turned back to see them.

Me: Yeah?

Unnamed Winter Maiden: You haven't thought of a group name, didn't you?

Me: In time, my friends, in time.

I said that as I disappeared from the void, causing the maidens and the silver-eyed warrior to giggle a lot when they mentioned this.

Unnamed Winter Maiden: He said something about a group or an organization, right?

Summer: Yes, according to Amber, he wanted to make one, isn't that right?

Amber: Yes, that is true. This particular group or organization consist of the four season maidens and more. But the name of this group or organization is something that he haven't thought of yet.

Unnamed Spring Maiden: True. This is gotta be some group/organization.

All: Indeed.

A few minutes later,

After talking to Summer and the four maidens for a few minutes, I shot out of bed as I woke up in a jolt, seeing that I am back in my room, knowing what I have to do.

Me: Okay.... Once they wake up, I am going to have a word with them.

And with that, I looked at my watch, saying that the time is 0430 Hours. Knowkng that I am still early to talk to them, I went back lying on my bed as I went fast asleep, waiting till it hits 6 o'clock or 06:30am.


Orochi's POV:

I sat on my throne as I began to rest and think about how Hiro manage to wield the power of all her men present here. As she thinks, NegaSonic came by as he saw me in thisthinking state of mind as he asked.

NegaSonic Metalgear Warhead: You okay?

Me: Yes. I'm just glad my brother is okay.

NegaSonic Metalgear Warhead: True. But... aren't you suppose to---

He implies as he points at my left arm. I looked as I was shocked that I have forgotten to pass my brother the weapon that is suppose to be his.

Me: Ah, yes. The Pandora Gauntlet. Thanks for reminding me on this. 

NegaSonic Metalgear Warhead: Your welcome. My I come along with youin giving Shadow what is rightfully his?

Me: That won't be necessary, NegaSonic. I can take care of this.

I said as I activated one of my stones on my gauntlet forming a portal as I Fell backwards as I did a free-fall right into it as it closed on me after I entered the portal by falling.

RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (BOOK 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz