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Imagine you were in a living room, sitting on a comfortable sofa with plush cushions, a warm fireplace in front of you to heat your chilly fingertips and a soft rug beneath your feet which slightly tickled your toes.

The window reflects the darkness outside with tiny lights in the sky that twinkled and a full moon.

It was a quiet night and you could just about hear the crackling of the fire as it burned brightly.

You hear gentle footsteps all of a sudden and look to the door to see him coming. With striking blue eyes, a cute button nose, soft pink lips and a flashing smile, Lachlan stands with strong posture.

He takes proud strides towards you and you anticipate what will happen next. He sits besides you, close to you, with his leg rubbing against yours. Then his muscular arm surrounds your shoulders, forcing you to sit even closer.

You feel your skin tingle when he strokes your cheek gently. You look straight into his eyes and become lost in an ocean of beauty. They seem to sparkle slightly, yet seem even brighter than every star in the universe.

His hand begins to trace your body yet he maintains eye contact.

First, it brushes over your soft neck, then it seems to slow a little as it reaches your chest. He gently squeezes your breast, making you lose your breath so easily and taking you over the edge a little.

You feel goosebumps forming. Not out of fear or loss of warmth, but out of pure excitement of what's to come.

His fingertips start to tap as they reach your tummy making you smile but wanting him to stop and continue at the same time.

He stops when his hand reaches your thigh. He looks at where his hand stopped then looks back at you, grinning. It's as if he's going to something, something bad, something naughty.

That's when he comes forward and intwines his soft lips with yours. He takes control of you.

Suddenly, he's everywhere. On your now moist lips, on your gentle neck. Clutching your thighs, then your big breasts.

You follow by slipping your hand behind his head, pulling him towards you. You play with his soft, blond hair. You smooth your hand over his strong, muscular which are now tense from feeling your body, as they wrap around you so easily.

The second he releases your lips, you gasp for breath, realising you were barely breathing. But you immediately wish for more.

Your not at the edge anymore. You've been pushed over it and you never want it to end. Seeing this, he kisses you again with a passion that makes you never want it to end.

But as much as you wanted more, you eventually both collapse onto the sofa; embracing its warmth and softness. But more importantly, each other.

You now lie in between Lachlan's legs. Your head lays on his strong chest. As he heaved in and out, you hear his rapid heartbeat as it beats harder and faster against his chest. It's as if it were to explode at any given second.

And Lachlan, not being able to wait any longer, slipped away from you and stood. He faces you and towers over you as if establishing dominance.

You sit up knowingly as if coordinating with his every move and breath. He slips off his now moist top, starting at the end of the sofa, he begins to crawl towards you in such a teasing manner, it makes you smile.

You begin to crawl backwards on the sofa, clutching it nervously as you go passed, your heartbeat increasing with every movement. You begin to think of all the things he can do to you. You submit to him and trust him fully to control every inch of your body.

Now you reach the end of the sofa and he gets close to you, so close that you can feel his hot breath on your cheek.

Your legs straighten and you lie down with him on top of you, not touching your body... yet.

As you slowly go over the edge once again, he comes closer to your ear and whispers, "Are you ready for more?"

This isn't part of the book, it's just a short story to get you started. Tell me if you like it, if I can improve anything and if you want me to continue writing more.

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