Chapter 14 - Revelations.

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"Jake, what're you doing here?" Jake Fletcher was the one who had just called out my name and was now trudging up the hill. My hill.

"I was going to ask you the same question kid." Kid? Seriously? Of all the things he could have said, he stuck with kid?

"Well in that case, child, I'm eating noodles." He shot me a confused gaze. "What about you?"

Jake looked towards the lake at this. "I came someone." He said, stuttering too much and speaking too quickly.

I raised my eyebrows. "Meet someone?"

"Yeah, I came to meet someone down at the lake and then I saw you so I thought I'd come and say hi." I wonder who this someone is...

"Child, sit." I patted the ground next to me.

"Okay?" He said, his body thumping to the ground.

"Marleen is the perfect partner for you, you know that?"

"You saw us?" His eyes were wide in shock, and possibly a little horror too.

I chuckled. He had just confirmed my suspicions. "Nah bro, I took a guess that it was her you came to meet. You snatched the ball yet?"

He looked away, blushing. "Yeah." It seemed like he had done more than just snatch the ball.

"So did she give the booty call?"

"Umm, yeah." He said, squinting at the sun.

"That's always a good sign. How's Christina doing?" I thought of her sadly. She would be crushed if she found out that Marleen and Jake were dating.

"Oh yeah! She told me last night to tell you that she's up to partying tonight!" He said excitedly, then added, "if it's okay with you of course."

"Yeah yeah no problem bro. And Jake? Could you do me a favour?" 

He grinned. "I'm not Joe kid, I'm not gonna go around giving favours to that screw you call a dick."

"Shut up. It's a bro-ish favour, not a perverted one. I would have asked Jessica if I wanted that." I winked.

"Alright kid what do you want?"

"I would...uh...appreciate it if you don't tell Christina that you and Marleen are dating." He looked on, dumbfounded.


"And to think you were the one who practicallly said I was blind to the way of the female." I said, breaking off and throwing away a tuft of grass. "She likes you. Like likes you. Alot. And that's an understatement." At this, his eyes widened in shock, and seemingly happiness too.

"Wait, so you're saying..."


He threw himself onto me in a bear hug. "What the hell man? I thought you weren't gay! That's Joe's job!" 

He drew back immediately.

"I'm not gay. It's just...I like Christina too. Alot. Probably more than she likes me. Thing is, I thought she was out of my league and to be honest we've known each other since we were born so I thought she looked at me like a bro or something. Like friend-zoned and all."

Now this was probably the biggest shock of the day. "So you liked Christina all this time, but went after Marleen because you thought Christina didn't like you back?" He nodded imperceptibly. "You're an idiotic child Jake."

"I know." He replied solemnly.

"So what are you going to do about it? I won't let you disappoint Marleen like that." Like I said, I'm kind. To all people, regardless of whether I know them or not.

"I dunno man. I'll ask Christina out when we play truth or dare this afternoon." He looked up at me. "You'll help right? Like dare me to do something with Christina?" He looked like a puppy begging for food.

"Sure thing bro. What about Marleen?"

"Problem there." He went silent, thinking.

I was racking my brains too. How to let someone go without hurting them? If you told them you liked someone else, they'd get pissed at why you went with them. If you told them it wasn't working, they'd want to know why. Unless...

"How about you tell her that you only liked her as a friend? I mean did you guys do anything today?"

"Umm, not really. We talked for a while and she kissed me then ran away. She is a pretty darn good kisser though."

"If what Joe's saying is true, Christina is way better. Apparently SOMEONE dared him to go frenchie on her last month." I glared pointedly at Jake.

"Yeah I remember that! It was hilarious!"

"Yadda yadda yaddda. Back to the point. I'm saying you should tell Marleen that you were just friends and she took you by surprise when she kissed you and that you thought she just wanted to hang out this morning."

"Sounds good. Now I need to ask a favour from you."

"Sure thing."

"For tonight, I want to buy some roses, and I know you have good taste kid." He ruffled my non-existent hair. "Problem is, I'm ultra busy today, so I can't get any. Would you do me the honours and pick the best bunch?"

"Like I said, sure thing child. What are you so busy doing? Something to do with your right hand, your pants, and a microscope? Or practicing a victory dance for tonight?"

"Shut up kid. I'm busy doing stuff. "

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.


Jake had arrived early to help set up, he was currently putting up the balloons on the shade next to our pool. "Did you get the flowers?"

Ooops. Big oooops. "Shit man, I forgot. I'll go get them now. Sorry bro."

"No probs, kid. I want the biggest and best. Make it quick though, or they'll see you."

"Alright man. See ya soon."

 And just like that, I was off. 

Grinning at 140 miles an hour.

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