Chapter 8 - Resistance.

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***Two days later****

"Where are you going?" Jessica pealed. She had pulled me out of my afternoon nap to go for a walk with her.

"Uh...the shops near school. Where are you going?"

"Same place. Come on, I know a better way."


Smiling, she led me past a set of railway tracks and onto a gravel path. Looking forward, it led thorugh an absolutely beautiful forest.

"Wow. This is stunning!" I exclaimed, looking at the deer in the field to our left.

"Sure is. I walk through here alone. Noone else knows about this path except me. And now you."

"So your point is that I am absolutely irresistably awesome?"

"No, my point is that this can be our secret path." She said, stressing the 'our'.

"Sounds good!" I exclaimed, as we crossed a bridge over a stream. "OHMIGOSH LOOK! FISHIES!!!"

"No need to get so excited," said Jessica coolly, "they're only fishes."


Sighing, she pointed to the edge of the bridge. "Sit."

"Yes Ma'am!" I fake saluted her as she sat down next to me.

"Let's talk." She said, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know, anything."

"Alright. I like noodles."

"Ohmigosh me too! Indomie Migoreng? Those are my favourite!"

"Definitely. But you know how unhealthy they are? They have MSG and all this bad stuff."

"Yeah I know. That doesn't mean I don't eat it when noone's looking though." Her lips curled up into a smile.

I looked around. This really was a beautful place. The trees stood tall and grand, the canopy providing shade, allowing the ground below to get dewy and give off that nature-y smell. The trickle of the water was relaxing, both the sound and the feeling of it trickling past my toes.

Trickling past my toes?

"OH. MY. GOD. My shoes! My favourite converse!"

"What happenned?" asked Jessica. It looked like she had fallen asleep on my shoulder.

"My feet went into the water and I didn't even notice. Now my converse are wet!"

"Stupidity strikes again huh?"

"Unfortunately." I stated, getting up and dusting off my pants.

"How long have we been here?" questioned Jessica.

"About an hour." I said, glancing at my watch. It had been that long?

"Zac, I need to tell you something." I turned around, slightly worried.

"Yes?" I asked, my voice an octave higher than usual.

"Your shoulder. Is the best pillow EVER!" I sighed, grateful that she wasn't going to let me in on some big secret that would ruin everything. See what I meant when I said I take the little things too seriously?

"Um, thanks? Your head is the best...uh...pillow-rester?" I tried, and fail to hold in my laughter, as did Jessica, our giggles resounding through the forest.

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