Will McKenzie

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Henry had gone down the river to look for Dad. We were in Echo Hills, so Dad could try and sell his photographs to some rich guy. He was standing on a bridge, taking a picture of the sky. Henry approached him.

"Dad. Courtney's cold is getting worse."

Dad sighed. "It's not. Your mom's just overreacting, that's all."

"She's not."

"We'll only be here a few more days." He set his camera down on the concrete railing of the bridge.

Henry frowned. My brother is a calm man. It takes a lot to anger him. "No. We have to go back, now."

Dad just glared at him. He never liked being stood up to. "No."

Henry lost it. "Dad, can't you see that this is your fault? You knew that she was sick before we left! You didn't take her to the doctors! You didn't listen to mom! You love that stupid camera more than you love your own daughter!" He grabbed the camera and heaved it into the river.

The slap was so loud you could hear it all the way back home. Henry recoiled in pain. Dad growled, dropping his voice. "Shut up. You don't know any better. I don't ever want to hear you say that again." Henry was silent. "Get it."

He didn't move. "GET IT!" Dad roared.

He knew Henry couldn't swim. He didn't try to drag Henry out of the river when he was swept away. A nearby policeman had to save him. He should have arrested Dad while he was at it.

Then I realize why Henry locked me in the basement. He knows the truth but doesn't want to face it. He can't accept that Dad is a monster. So he'll approach him again. What he'll do I can't guess. Dad might kill him, or he might kill dad.

"Hurry up, son," hisses the Sheriff.

"I'm right behind you, Sheriff." I wait until he's a few steps down the porch, then I turn back and enter the house. I shut the door and lock it, engaging the deadbolt as well. He won't kill my brother, not if I can help it.

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