Courtney McKenzie

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Henry tenses up next to me. Dad's old now, and ragged. He looks like he's been living in someone's basement for the past few days. People always said there was a light in his eyes. I don't see it there anymore.

"Dad... we're here," Henry stammers.

He laughs. "I can see that, Henry."

"It's been a while."

"Henry... Let me just say that for whatever it's worth, I'm sorry."

Henry pauses, confused. "What?"

"For everything I did." He rubs his face. "Look at me, Henry. I'm old and gray now. You and Courtney look amazing, I'm sure you're doing well."

"Dad, why are we here?" Henry asks. "Why did you call us?"

Dad hesitates. "It doesn't matter. Where's Will? Did he not come?"

"I'm right here."

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