chapter 20 The date

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My-now-good brother came around. He changed alot lately, he stopped drinking, began going to the mosque, he even didn't miss a prayer in the mosque in the last two weeks, as if being born again.

I went into his car, and he drove off.

" So it's your first date. How do you feel?!!" Hassan asked trying to start a conversation.

" That I'm being set up!! " I said.

" Why?!!" He asked.

" Maybe because there is a big secret, both you and my mother are hidding from me " I said.

" Don't worry, everything will fall into the right place at the right time" He said trying to reassure me.

Then we reached a big fancy restaurant, one of the restaurants that you would pass quickly because you know you wouldn't afford a cup of water inside.

" Here?!! Are you sure?!!" I asked in amazement.

" Yes, I'm sure, come on " my brother said getting out of the car.

I got out of the car, and I saw James waiting for us outside the restaurant.

" So James, here is your date, take good care of her, and remember you are not a...." My brother said before James cut him off.

" I'm not a mehrem. I know Hassan " James said.

So James now is an Islamic expert!!! How did he know all this?!! Maybe he googled it. He seemed to have done his homework.
Anyway, that's good, at least he would abide by my rules.

" Good, you learn fast, your date ends at 9, I'll be sitting in this Café next to you " Hassan said.

Hassan said his goodbyes and left.

" So, my princess " James said making the way for me.

" Okay, I'm leaving!! " I said pretending to walk away.

" Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, geee man, one can't have a good laugh with you " he said.

" Yep, I'm different " I said.

" Like hell You are " he said seriously.

We sat down on a table across of each other, the waitress came to give us the menus. I guess she was surprised to see a hijabi girl sitting with a white boy. James noticed.

" Is there a problem?!!" He said.

" No, no at all " the waitress said walking away.

" See, James, that's why I tell you it won't work everybody reminds us on a daily basis that we are different. you better distance yourself from me " I said seriously.

" I don't care about anybody but you, end of story Jannah " he said.

I can't say I wasn't happy at his words.

I opened the menu, and I regretted doing so, so I closed it at once.

" Okay, let's go " I said.

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