"Now just relax. Couples fight you know this. Right?"

"Yes, but she left me by myself, she wouldn't even fucking listen to me" I cried

"Maybe she is tired of your attitude Gaia, you always bring up Saqui and what he has done to you. You not looking at what shes trying to do for you to make it better, I'm sure she misses her mother. She invited your father to the wedding and I'm sure shes hurt her feelings mother and father cant be there either. She almost died, she fell literally from the Sky. Shes hurt also. Gaia sometimes you are selfish"

"Why is it always me? How is that even possible? I know she miss her mom, I miss my mom, I miss my father. I helped her when she got home, I literally bathed her for days"

"I know that it's not a competition, Gaia it's about both of you two not one not her or you but both" she added

"You need to go home Gaia now. Dont make me come get you" she added

I just hung up on her, I dont want to hear this story of how it takes two blah blah.

Home 12:23 pm

I came right home and went to sleep on the couch wearing Naz nike shorts, and no shirt. I was hurt, I was so hurt. I didnt know what to do besides just cry. All I been doing was crying, then she leaves and I cry more.

I felt myself being picked up off the couch. When I opened my eyes it was Naz carrying me to the room. She shouldn't even be picking me up because of her arm is still broken.

She laid me down, and I busted out crying.

"Stop crying please" she said as she wiped my tears away

"I cant. I dont know what is wrong with me for people to not be able to just...just love me. I don't know what I ever did. I dont mean to bring up Saqui with you all the time. My boobs hurt so much Naz you have no idea. I dont mean to have an attitude at you. I dont ever mean to. Yes, after being with Saqui I'm still not use to you being there for me and I'm sorry I'm not the person you want to be with, because you left and then. It's my own fault I'm going through this shit" she wiped my face again

"Mercury I was wrong completely. You didnt do nothing wrong at all. Yes you had an attitude, but I was wrong going off how I did. I shouldn't have done that to you" she said

"Yes, I just needed some space that's all. Not necessarily from you but in general. I missed my mother and it hit me like out of no where and I was pissed off about it. I didnt mean to take it out on you. I know your going through alot already"

"I promised you I was always going to be here and I meant that. I am not going anywhere at all. I'm sorry for making you cry" she said

"I love you, I mean that. I'm sorry for making you feel like it was you and it wasnt it was me all me. Nothing is wrong with you I promise. Well your farts kinda stink but" she smiled making me smile

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