Go Big or Go Home

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Digging down in my bag I pull out snacks as I hand them to him, “Did you forget that you told me to bring snacks?”

Ashton smiles as he says, “You are truly the best Anna-Banana.”

“I know.” I smile back at him as I hear a thud on the railing in front of us.

“Holy shit bro!” says Ashton as he turns and says, “Warn somebody next time.”

Facing back forward I smiled as I say, “What are you doing here?”

“Did you actually think that I was going to start the game without seeing you?” says Harry.

Dressed fully in his uniform, his hair in a curly, but messy bun.

“Aren’t you supposed to getting ready for the game?” I asked.

He shakes his head, “We know the plays and stuff, and I’m set.”

I nod as Coach blows a whisper and yells, “Styles! Let’s go!”

Looking at him I say, “Good luck.”

“Thanks, but I’d rather have a good luck kiss then just you saying it.”

Blushing I leaned forward on the bleachers as he leans forward pressing out lips together. We kissed for a second before Coach yelled his name again and he pulls back.

“Good luck.” I whisper again with my lips brushing against his as I spoke.

“Thank you.” he whispers back before pulling away and jumping off of the railing.

“You know I usually don’t mind peoples PDA, but considering that you are my best friend, basically my sister. That was weird.” Says Ashton.

Bumping him I laughed nervously as I say, “Shut up and watch the game.”

Ashton laughs obviously teasing me as the announcer beings to speak on the intercom.

We did the basic starts of the game, the introduction of the two teams, the national anthem, then the boys took their places on the field.


Now a normal high school football game takes about 48 minutes, which is split into 4 quarters that equals to about 12 minutes each. In between team breaks, the cheerleaders dancing at half time and useless reviews. Overall it can average about 2 hours to 3, and as soon as the team flips the coin for who starts the game is when the crowd gets really wild.

The first quarter was amazing, both teams put up a strong fight in which they were both able to score. The away team got 6 points as our team got 3. My eyes were everywhere, between cheering for the boys, I was also cheering for the Charlotte when the squad would cheer. When I say that the boys played hard, they played rough. There were tackles where the guys would toss the other guys or ram into them. Daniel was playing at his top best and so where Liam and Harry. A player went to run after Liam in one of the plays in which Liam dodged around him and ran all the way to their touch down.

The away team were shocked by how great out team is playing tonight and which they were obviously shocked and a bit taken back. Ashton and I were having a blast. We yelled for the teams, and argued with other watches when the ref would call a stupid move saying it didn’t count. That is one thing Ashton said was the reason why we became best friends, because I knew about my sports and even though I didn’t play it nor did I like all of them, he still had someone to talk to about different teams.

Halftime came around as many people stood to go refill on snack and to go do bathroom breaks. I waited back a bit to watch Charlotte murder the field with her cheering. Despite the fact at how much crap she talked about being on the squad and dealing with Taylor, she couldn’t deny the fact that she loved cheering and having the attention of many watchers. After there almost ten minute performance I looked over at Ashton who was talking to one of his swimming mates as I tapped his should and said, “I’m going to grab a soda.”

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