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Gosh, I'm sorry that I have such slow updates!


The shuttle shot out into the vast blackness of space, leaving for its journey.

"So how long do you think it will take us to get there." Keith asked, moving into one of the two pilot seats.

Keith gripped the wheel, Shiro, in the seat next to him, pushing an assortment of dull colored buttons and switches.

"Not too long, I'd estimate about half an hour."Shiro answered.

Lance stood in the back, since the lack of chairs left him without one. He decided to lean on Keith's chair. totally not staring at Keith's exposed thighs, yeaahhh totally not.

" So how are we gonna do this. Like casually strolling up to the party, or, with a bit of BLAM BLAM BLAM." Lance exclaimed, his body too full of excitement considering the small space they were in.

Keith flinched back from the Cuban's loud outburst.

"Dude, that hurt my ears." Keith said with annoyance, scowling at lance.

Lance pointed at Keiths face, "dude, that hurt my eyes." He mocked.

Keith whipped his head around, his short black hair swishing with him. " The fuck you say??" he said accusingly.

Lance put his hands up in mock surrender. "Nothing nothing. Just letting you know buddy that this is not too ladylike." His words dripped with smugness.

Keith shot up, the long back of the dress flushing up as he does. Just as Keith opened his mouth, Shiro interrupted.

" Keith. Lance.' Shiro said sternly. "Lance stop picking on Keith. And Keith, you are going undercover as a princess, that means you have to act somewhat proper." his tone leaves no room for debate.

Keith huffed in annoyance and plopped back down into his seat. He went back to gripping the steering wheel.

'this is bullshit, everything about this is bullshit.' he thought with annoyance.

An awkward silence filled the space. A voice mumbled in the back," ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer. You take on down, pass it around. Ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall." lance sung, progressively getting louder the long he chanted.

' this is going to be a long trip.'

"We should be approaching the planet soon." Shiro said, glancing back toward lance who looks as though he is dying of boredom.

"Finally! I'm soo bored." Lance shouted in excitement.

" What are you? a child?" said Keith.

" Shut your quiznak." Lance shouted.

"Guys were getting pretty close." Shiro said, interrupting the bickering.

Keith peered out into the abyss of space, a small planet came into view. They quickly approached the almost golden looking planet.

"Wow this place is surprisingly pretty." Keith commented.

Lance lurched forward. "Damn!!" he stares awestruck at this glistening orb.

"Buckle up, we're hitting the atmosphere." Shiro warned.

"Yo, space dad, I don't exactly have a seat belt or even a seat in general!" lance comments.

"Just hold on to a chair or something." Keith said back.

"Uh yeah sure, you do that when you're the one without the seat!" lance shot back.

Pretty Little SpyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin