A Flashy Exit

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Keith groaned as the voice of Allura robotically rang through the speakers.

"Time to wake up. We have a big day today!" She yelled, the highs of her voice splitting out as she spoke.

Keith unraveled himself from the blanket that protected his body from the unearthly chill of the room.
As soon as his half asleep feet hit the floor, he was rushing to get ready for the day.
He fluently tussled on his cloths and proceeded to clean himself up.

A swirl between the anxiety of the coming day and the embarrassment of last night swirled through him, like a twisted version of a chocolate and vanilla ice cream machine.

What a great way to start a day

His automatic door parted open, slashing him with a new wave of frosted air. "Why the hell is it always so cold in the mornings??" He hissed out.

He briskly walked the same path he took last night, down to the kitchen.
His mind flashed back to last night.
His face flushed and his face contorted with a mix of embarrassment and anger.

"What the hell was he thinking?? What was he trying to pull?!" He mumbled just under his breath.

He planted himself in front of the kitchen. The soft swoosh alerted that he had entered the almost vacant kitchen.
He sat down in the first chair presented, resting his head into his slender hands.

Allura and Shiro sat a few chairs away, there routinely chatter echoed slightly off the stark white walls. Allura turned over, seemingly just noticing the sleepy male.

"Ah Keith good morning! You ready to hear more about the mission!" Her voice filled with chipper energy, she seemed eager to start a high class mission again.

'Be excited all you want, you're not the one being used as bait.' He thought angrily.

He unenthusiastic responded with a mumble "Sure, princess."

Suddenly, Hunk lumbered into the room, seemingly well rested and looking forward to cooking breakfast.
As he sped into the kitchen, a small gremlin lurked in.

Pidge's hair was thrown askew and her hazel eyes flashed with 'don't fuck with me'.
She drug her usual sleep deprived body in a chair that was a few away from Keith.
She sat hunched over, staring aggressively at the table.

The door pulled open and out strutted a well moistured Lance, his face shining like the gods.

He walked over and sat down across from Keith, his eyes immediately landed on a grumpy Pidge.

" Damn what the heck did the table do to you?" He teased.

"What is the use of trying to live anymore?" She gruffed, slamming her hands into the table,
earning a large slam in return .

Shiro whipped his head around, his dad instincts kicking in.

"Um..what caused this dilemma ?" He asked, confusion and concern etched into his voice.

Pidge looks up, her face mimicking a blank slate.
"We don't have fucking coffeE IN FUCKING SPACE." Her statement got progressively louder as she continued speaking.

"Language! Young lady..." Shiro sighed, it was the beginning of a day and he was already tired with life.

"Lance..? Did you just say 'heck??" Keith budded in.

Lance whipped around.

"I won't be disappointed my madre, even if I'm like a bizzillion miles from earth!" His arms swished in the air with each word he says.

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