Chapter 8

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"So, we ran blood tests on you and all your other cronies. Came back positive on something that SCPD has not seen in a very long time." Zoe said as she stood in the SCPD interrogation room with the leader of the mirakuru horde, who they have now identified as Zacharias Goodrey.

"And what might that be?" Goodrey asked.

"Mirakuru. And considering the last time that appeared in this city, it was nearly burned to the ground, you can understand our concern. So, I'm only going to ask you this once. Where'd you get the drug?" Zoe asked.

"Don't know what you're talking about." Goodrey said.

"Okay then, maybe you could tell us where you were going with the rest of that drug?" Zoe asked.

"I'm not talking. Besides, who's to say we didn't achieve our goal?" Goodrey said and Zoe realized what that meant.

"You weren't trying to make a delivery, you were trying to take out the Green Arrow. Too bad that didn't work." Zoe said.

"Didn't though? She may have gotten the best of us, but I heard her arm break. She's out for a while, which means that we did our jobs. She was the biggest threat." Goodrey said.

"So you took her out to make way for whatever it is you're planning. Mind sharing the details?" Zoe asked.

"You'll find out soon enough." Goodrey said as Zoe walked.

"Alright, put him to sleep." Zoe said to the techs, who nodded as the room was flooded with nerve gas.

"I still can't believe these things are legal." One of the newer cops said.

"It's a precaution only to be used on an enhanced suspects to ensure they can be safely transported back to Iron Heights." Zoe explained.

"Still. Seems kind of extreme." the same cop said.

"We're dealing with people with powers lots of us only see in tv shows and dreams and use them in ways we only think about in our nightmares. Sometimes extremes are the only means necessary." Zoe said.

"Well said officer Ramirez." Dinah said as she joined them.

"Is there a problem captain?" Zoe asked.

"No, I was just wondering if you got anything from him." Dinah asked.

"All he'd say was that he and his friends were definitely after the Green Arrow. Apparently whoever he's working for sees her as the biggest threat and if what he said is true, she'll be gone for a few weeks healing up from getting jumped by several less skilled Slade Wilsons." Zoe said.

"Let's take a walk." Dinah said, not wanting to get into this in front of the other cops.

As soon as they were alone, Dinah asked "So, how bad of shape is Jasmine in?"

"Broken arm and her mother is actually making her stay with her and Oliver to make sure she doesn't do any roof jumping until she heals up. Those mirakuru thugs got the jump on us." Zoe said.

"You seem to come out alright." Dinah said.

"That's because I wasn't the main target. And this confirms our suspicions that Grant Wilson is who these guys answer to. He's had it out for Jasmine for years and after their last battle, he's got to be pissed at her." Zoe said and Dinah nodded as Oliver approached them.

"Hey Oliver." Zoe said politely.

"Zoe, can I have a minute alone with Dinah?" Oliver asked and Zoe nodded as she left them alone.

"What is it Oliver?" Dinah asked.

"Let me interrogate one of the prisoners, no one knows the mirakuru better than me, I know exactly how to get them to talk and considering that bastard broke my daughter's arm, I have a personal score to settle." Oliver said.

"Oliver, you know I can't do that." Dinah said.

"It's funny you think I'm giving you a choice." Oliver said.

"You're taking over for you daughter aren't you?" Dinah realized.

"Just until Jasmine's back on her feet, since whether you like it or not, the people of this city need the Green Arrow to give them hope. Something the SCPD tends to destroy rather than build these days and it's been that way since Malcolm Merlyn blew up half the Glades." Oliver said.

"The department can handle it." Dinah said.

"The department cannot handle a Wilson on Mirakuru, I speak from experience. Quentin tried and it gave him a heart condition. Please, I know the woman I recruited is still in there somewhere." Oliver said.

"No, Silver Wolf died when Vince did. Vigilantism has brought me nothing but pain." Dinah said.

"Vince wouldn't want this. He may have been a sociopath, but he did care about you. Just think about what he stood for before you go on another anti vigilantism crusade. And word of warning, I'm going to do whatever I have to protect my family. I suggest you stay out of my way for your own safety." Oliver said, walking away from her.

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