Chapter 1

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This story begins about 2 months after Jasmine's crusade ended.

It was night time in Star City and for most of the city, it was relatively quiet. Except for a high speed chase going down on the highway as the Green Arrow's team pursued a high jacked military convoy, full of next gen weapons.

"You know what I hate the most about armed robbers?" Black Canary asked Sentinel as they rode on their bikes behind the truck.

"No, what?" Sentinel asked.

"The armed part." Black Canary said, causing Sentinel to roll his eyes.

"Alright you two, enough. We lose these guys and some lunatic gets a truckload of military weapons." William said over the comms.

"Copy that Inventor." Sentinel said, using the codename William had chosen.

"Still can't believe you chose that as your nickname." Black Canary said.

"Considering my sister wanted to make my name Snitch, I think I came out ahead. Besides, considering that a lot of what I do for this team is keep you step ahead of the bad guys by inventing new tech for you, I think it's appropriate." Inventor said.

"Can it all of you. Ravager and and I are 30 seconds out." Green Arrow said over the comms.

"Right, sorry. Remind me again why you two get the cool entrance again?" Sentinel asked.

Green Arrow smirked from where she and Ravager (Rose had taken her mother's codename, though she intended to redeem it, just like her father's legacy), flew through the air on their new gliders that William had built into their suits, something that made her even more glad she'd let him join the team.

"Because I'm leader and Ravager called dibs first." she said.

"We're approaching the drop zone." Ravager said as the truck came into view from the air.

"Touching down in three, two, one. Now." Green Arrow said as they both touched the buttons on the their wrists, causing the gliders to retract inward to their suits, since William and Cisco had designed them with the same nano tech that was in Jasmine's suit ring and dropped down on top of the truck.

"Did I mention how awesome your brother is with tech?" Ravager asked.

"Don't say it to face, he has a big enough ego as it is." Green Arrow said with a grin.

"Take the wheel, I'll secure the weapons." Green Arrow said and Ravager nodded as she moved towards the front of the truck while Green Arrow moved the open back and jumped down into it.

"Hi, thanks for having me." Green Arrow said to the thugs as they aimed their weapons at her.

"Two on one, not a fair match." One of them said.

"Really, you realize that firing one of those at me will destroy you to. Those weapons are meant for long range. Something tells me that while you're stupid trying to rob my town, you're not suicidal." Green Arrow said.

"Good thing we come prepared." the other thug said as they switched to more traditional firearms.

"Why don't they ever just surrender and spare themselves the pain?" Green Arrow wondered to herself as she quickly sprung into action, firing an arrow to disarm one thug while charging the other the as the vehicle came to a screeching halt.

"Took her long enough." Green Arrow said as Sentinel and Black Canary joined her.

"Gonna keep fighting?" she asked as the thugs looked at each other before holding up their hands in surrender.

"Smart choice." Sentinel said.

"Let's get these guys to the SCPD." Black Canary said.

"Go, Ravager and I will get this truck to its proper destination." Green Arrow said and her partners nodded as they loaded the thugs on the back on their bikes and drove off.

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