Chapter 2

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"So, that seemed to go well." William said as the rest of his sister's team entered the bunker.

"Yeah and I'd say that these gliders are good to go." Jasmine said.

"Seriously, I can't believe your dad never thought to use them." Rose agreed.

"Well to be fair, the technology Cisco and I used to allow the gliders to be able to compact into your suits with no difficulty is a rather recent breakthrough, it's the same technology in Jasmine's ring that lets her carry her suit around any where." William said.

"Still think it's unfair that you're the only one who gets one of those." Ryan said.

"Perks of being a leader, I get the best toys." Jasmine said, unable to resist poking fun at her boyfriend.

"Speaking of dad, Jasmine, do you have any idea when he and Laurel are getting in back town?" William asked, since a few weeks after their dad had been released from prison, he and Laurel had gone on a second honeymoon in the bahamas and they hadn't heard from them since.

"No clue. All I know is that they said they'd be back before Christmas and that if we called them while it wasn't an emergency we'd be written out of the wills." Jasmine said with a smile.

"I think it's nice that your parents are taking a second honeymoon. Especially after being separated for so long." Zoe said.

"Especially considering their first honeymoon was ruined." William said.

"I never got the full story on that." Jasmine said.

"Laurel heard that Diaz was in the area of their honeymoon and since she was still gunning after him for killing her dad, their honeymoon turned into another day at the office." William said.

"Still, I'm sure they'll be back soon, but since I've spent so much of my life trying to bring them back together, I have no intention of ruining their well earned vacation." Jasmine said.

"I honestly would not be surprised if they told us we were getting another sibling when they get back." William said.

"Are you kidding, we've started a betting pool with John, Felicity, Aunt Thea and Uncle Roy on that." Jasmine said.

"I need to place my bets then." William said.

"Okay, not that this isn't amusing, but some of us need to be at work tomorrow." Zoe said.

"She's right." William agreed.

"Go, get some rest, Ryan, you're staying at my place tonight right?" Jasmine asked.

"Yeah, assuming you haven't changed your mind." Ryan said.

"Nope, we are still good." Jasmine said.

"Okay, as much fun as this is, I'm out." William said.

"See you guys tomorrow." Zoe said as she and Rose headed out to.

"Rude." Ryan said.

"Shut up." Jasmine said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

The next morning, Jasmine was in her kitchen making breakfast when Ryan walked in.

"I always forget how much of an early riser you are." Ryan said.

"I get that from my dad. Though my mom said that before the island, he never got up before noon." jasmine said with a smile as she poured him a cup of coffee.

"Yeah, I have a hard time picturing your dad doing anything like that. Even before he was arrested, I can remember him being a bit of a hardass. Incredibly overprotective of you." Ryan said and Jasmine laughed.

"He wants everyone to think he's this big tough guy, but really, he's a sweetie who only wants to help people." Jasmine said.

"Think that you definitely got the best parts of both your parents." Ryan said.

"How so?" Jasmine asked.

"You got your dad's dedication to helping people, plus his skills with a bow and your mom's determination to find justice and her looks." Ryan said.

"And her voice." Jasmine said, since her mother was a great singer.

"True. But anyways, I have to get to work. What are you doing today?" Ryan asked as he took the coffee from her.

"Going over resumes for assistant managers at the club. I still don't even have a name for it yet and it opens in 4 weeks." Jasmine groaned.

"Hey, you'll figure it out." Ryan said.

"I've spent so much time working on being the Green Arrow that I've sort of let Jasmine Queen fall through the cracks. Do me a favor and text the rest of the team, tell them we're taking the night off tonight, I need to spend some time as me, not under the hood." Jasmine said and Ryan nodded as he kissed her cheek before heading out.

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