Chapter 3

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"You wanted to see me captain?" Zoe asked Dinah as she entered her office, her voice lacking the warmth it used it to, since recently, Zoe and Dinah had a falling out over the reappearance of the vigilantes in Star City.

"I heard that the Green Arrow's team took down a major arms robbery." Dinah said.

"Yes in the Glades while the SCPD were busy protecting the rich part of Star City. I'm one of the only cops who's willing to enter the Glades now. You won't even do it anymore." Zoe said.

"We're doing the best we can with what we've got Zoe." Dinah said.

"What happened to you. You never had a problem with vigilantism when it first resurfaced, why do you have such a problem with it now?" Zoe asked.

"Because I thought that it would end when Oliver was out of prison." Dinah said.

"We both know that's not true." Zoe said.

"Ever since the Green Arrow became active again and encouraged other people to take up masks, the people of this city seemed to have more faith in them then they do law enforcement." Dinah said.

"Because they know that the vigilantes aren't corrupt, since they actually solve problems." Zoe said.

"You really are your father's daughter aren't you." Dinah said.

"So, should I be turning in my badge?" Zoe asked.

"No, but you're on probation. Desk work for the next 3 weeks." Dinah said.

"I can't believe I ever looked up to you Dinah." Zoe said as she walked away, not seeing the way Dinah flinched at the way she said that.

Jasmine was currently sitting at her desk in her office, looking through resumes of potential managers for the club while she heard construction workers outside when she saw Dinah enter her office.

"Don't you need a warrant to arrest me?" Jasmine asked Dinah.

"I see you've been talking to Zoe." Dinah said.

"Yeah, and I'm wondering what my dad ever saw in you in the first place to make you a part of his team." Jasmine said and Dinah flinched.

"I'm not here to arrest you. I just wanted to talk." Dinah said.

"Well, make it quick." Jasmine said.

"I was wondering if maybe you could talk Zoe into maybe being a little less supportive of vigilantes." Dinah said.

"Translation, you want her off the team." Jasmine said, rolling her eyes.

"I didn't say that." Dinah said.

"You didn't have to. I know you don't approve of Zoe being out there. You just don't like that we're doing your job better than you." Jasmine said.

"People need to have faith in the law enforcement." Dinah said.

"Maybe, but if you looked up Star City's police force in the history books now it would be as one of the most corrupt police forces in history. Don't blame me for the lack of public faith in the SCPD, that all started long before I was even born." Jasmine said.

"What do you mean?" Dinah asked, narrowing her eyes.

"The people of this city began losing faith in the SCPD after Malcolm Merlyn blew up half the Glades. It's ironic actually. Merlyn wanted to help the people in this city with the Undertaking, but all he really did was begin its descent into chaos. Ever since the Undertaking, threats have been rolling into this city that the cops cannot handle, if anything, they're part of the problem. Slade Wilson, Ra's al Ghul, Damien Darhk, Tobias Church, Adrian Chase, Cayden James, Ricardo Diaz, the list goes on and on. Most of the police force won't even go into the Glades anymore. I'm not trying to undermine the legal system, but it's clear that the system isn't enough anymore. Do you honestly think that we'd be putting our lives on the line if we didn't think it was necessary. You used to think like that to remember. What happened to the Silver Wolf? She was someone I respected. Not you." Jasmine said.

"You honestly think that vigilantism is the answer?" Dinah asked.

"If I hadn't had brought it back, the people of the Glades would probably be planning an uprising against the rest of this city. That alone should tell you something. And it's not just the Glades. The entire city looks to the Green Arrow as a symbol of hope. While it was gone, things got worse in the city, the Triad took it over and Grant Wilson nearly took it from them. But now people aren't afraid to leave their homes anymore. They know that there really is someone out there looking out for them. The people need something to believe in and it's the department's actions that have caused it to no longer be the police. My team and I are just giving them something they can believe in and I'm not going to make Zoe give that up. My mom told me that while my grandfather may have been against my dad and his crusade at first, he realized why it was necessary. I hope you can realize that to. Now get out of my office." Jasmine said and Dinah could tell she was not asking, but as she left, she started wondering if maybe Jasmine and Zoe were right.

Sorry for those of you who are Dinah Drake fans, but considering how much of a bitch she's been about vigilantism lately, I thought this chapter would necessary, since it wasn't just Diaz who destroyed the people's faith in the SCPD. After the Undertaking, that's when the Glades really began to fall apart and the police didn't do much to stop it. And corruption in the SCPD was a problem way before Diaz infected it. He didn't cause it, he just made it worse and I thought that maybe it was time that someone pointed that out to Dinah.

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