Chapter 7

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When Sentinel arrived, he found that while Green Arrow had taken down most of the guys, she'd still come out pretty badly, since her suit was torn in multiple places, she was bleeding and he was pretty sure her arm wasn't supposed to bend into its current position.

"Inventor, we're gonna need an ambulance." Sentinel said over the comms.

"Copy that." Inventor said as Sentinel began shooting normal bullets straight into the remaining thugs heads, since he was fairly certain they'd recover, but frankly, he didn't care, his girlfriend was his primary concern.

"Jasmine." He said, rushing over to her to help her stay standing.

"That was harder than I thought." Jasmine said.

"Take it easy. We need to get you out of this suit so that when the ambulance arrives, it won't out you." Sentinel said.

"I don't need an ambulance." Jasmine argued, though it sounded weak even to her as the pain grew beyond her manageable levels as she actually blacked out.

"What happened to her?" Oliver asked as he and Laurel entered Jasmine's hospital room to find Ryan already in there, standing at his girlfriend's bedside while Jasmine was still unconscious.

"The official story, she was in a motorcycle crash." Ryan said and Oliver and Laurel both nodded.

"And the real story?" Laurel asked.

"She was jumped by about 7 mirakuru enhanced soldiers. She came out on top, since she took them out, but still, the doctor said her arm is broken and she has a concussion." Ryan said.

"So basically, she's only a slightly better motorcycle driver than her father." Dr. Schwartz said as she entered the room.

"Thank you doctor Schwartz." Oliver said.

"She's doing the same thing you did Oliver. I think the least I can do is respect the privacy of her identity." Dr. Schwartz said and Oliver nodded at her thankfully.

"How long will she be out of it?" Ryan asked.

"Well she should wake up soon, but we're going to have to put her arm in a cast to make sure it heals properly, which means she shouldn't be jumping off rooftops anytime soon, otherwise she could end up dealing permanent damage." Dr. Schwartz advised.

"Thank you." Oliver said as William entered as the doctor left.

"Sorry I'm late, I was making sure that the crime scene was believable to fit with the cover story." William said.

"It's fine. She hasn't woken up yet anyways." Oliver said.

"Zoe confirmed that the SCPD have the thugs in lock up, all of them in meta cells to keep them from breaking out." William said.

"Good, considering all the weird powers those things can hold, I'd say that we're safe." Laurel said.

"I also called Star Labs and Cisco assured me that they're working on the cure right now." William said as Jasmine stirred.

"Good, because of them is going to get us to Grant." Jasmine said, though she winced as she tried to move her arm.

"You are not doing anything vigilante like until that arm of yours heals up. You're no good to anyone if you're not at one hundred percent." Laurel said.

"The people in this city need the Green Arrow." Jasmine protested as Oliver got a look on his face that his wife recognized a bit too much for her liking.

"What are you thinking?" Laurel asked.

"Jasmine is right. The people of Star City do need the Green Arrow and they'll have the Green Arrow. It just can't be her right now." Oliver said.

"Dad, what are you saying?" William asked.

"I think you all know exactly what I'm saying. Star City will always need a Green Arrow. And right now, who better to sub in than the original Green Arrow." Oliver said.

"I thought you said you were done with that." Laurel reminded her husband.

"And I meant it. Until my past literally came back to haunt me. Again. Our daughter is in the hospital because she was trying to carry on my crusade." Oliver said.

"No, dad, it was those thugs and Grant Wilson." Jasmine said.

"Who wouldn't even be doing this if I hadn't crossed paths with Slade Wilson. I owe this to you and to this city. Until you're back at your best, I'm going to pick up where I left off 16 years ago." Oliver said.

"OGA rides again." William said.

"What?" Oliver asked

"Original Green Arrow." William said.

"Dad, you don't have to do this." Jasmine said.

"Even if I believed that, which I don't, I want to. I have to admit, I have kind of missed the rush I got from being the Green Arrow." Oliver said.

"Jasmine, we're not going to be able to talk him out of this, so for now, just focus on healing up so we can get him out of that hood again as soon as possible." Laurel said and Jasmine nodded at her mother.

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