Chapter 4

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That night, Jasmine and Zoe were both in the bunker, despite it being their night off, since they both had steam to blow off for the same reason, Dinah Drake. That was why they were both sparring with each other.

"I can't believe Dinah asked you to kick me off the team." Zoe said.

"Well, she and I were never very close. I dealt with her mostly because she and mom worked together, her being a police captain and mom being the DA. Never really interacted with her that much outside of that. One of the reasons I was happy you joined is because it meant we'd have an asset in the police department without having to go through her." Jasmine said and Zoe nodded her agreement.

"Man, I still cannot get over how much cooler your bunker is than mine was." Oliver said as he entered the bunker and Jasmine grinned as she ran over and hugged her dad.

"Dad, when did you and mom get back?" Jasmine asked.

"This morning. I went by your loft to see you but you weren't there, so I called Ryan to see if you were with him and I was not that surprised when he advised me to check here. I thought this was your night off." Oliver said.

"Yeah it was, but we both have some steam to blow off." Jasmine said.

"I know about Dinah's recent anti vigilante stances. If I'd known back when I recruited her that she'd become this, I never would've done it." Oliver said.

"Zoe, can you give us a minute?" Jasmine asked and Zoe nodded as she walked away.

"You were looking for me dad?" Jasmine asked.

"Yeah, your mother and I want to take you and your brother out for dinner tonight. It's been awhile since we've had a good old fashioned family dinner." Oliver said.

"So, should I be expecting you and mom to make some kind of announcement tonight?" Jasmine asked with a smile.

"The only way you'll find out is if you come to dinner." Oliver said with a smile of his own.

"What time?" Jasmine asked.

"8, I'll text you the restaurant." Oliver said as he turned and saw his old suit on display.

"You know, I wouldn't mind a team up. Father and daughter take down. Honestly, it's been a dream of mine for years." Jasmine said.

"That is tempting Jasmine. But while I was in prison, I saw what it was like and I began to wonder if I really made any real difference as the Green Arrow." Oliver said, looking at his hood.

"I used to wonder that to. About both you and me. But I also realized that while it may not always seem like it, what we do, it makes a difference. More importantly, it gives the people hope. Something that they desperately need. Dad, don't doubt your actions as the Green Arrow. At the end of the day, you made the right choice putting on that hood. If you hadn't, so many lives could have been lost." Jasmine said.

"You know I never wanted this life for you. I wanted to keep you as far from my vigilante life as possible." Oliver told her.

"And yet you should've known as your daughter that wouldn't happen. I can't just stand by and watch people suffer, you and mom taught me better than that. Besides, nothing brings the people of this city hope like the Green Arrow." Jasmine said and Oliver chuckled.

"True, and I'm pretty sure that's why Dinah hates me now. She thinks that vigilantism has destroyed the city's faith in the police department, but for that to happen there had to have been some faith in it to begin with. I'm starting to think your grandfather was the last decent cop in this city, since while he was by the book, he wasn't afraid to go outside the law to get justice." Oliver said.

"So, dinner at 8." Jasmine said, changing the subject.

"Yep see you then." Oliver said, leaving and making Jasmine wonder what her parents were going to announce tonight.

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