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Thursday 8:07 A

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8:07 A.M

Tiredly blinking my eyelids open, I slowly sat up. Looking over at the clock, it was only 8:07.

"Fuck it." I groaned, throwing the covers off of me. I had been tossing and turning for hours. I just couldn't sleep knowing I left Jacob like that. He probably hates me right now. I'd hate me too.

I grabbed my phone off of my night stand, hoping to see anything from Jacob, but there wasn't. Only hundreds of missed calls and texts from Shunte. He hadn't called me since earlier when I was too afraid to answer. I hope he's okay.

I didn't bother responding to shunte, I just went straight into the bathroom to shower and wash away everything from yesterday.

After a good forty five minutes, I finally exited my bathroom and plopped back on the edge of my bed. Seconds later my phone started buzzing. Quickly grabbing it, my hopes quickly went down seeing that it was just shunte calling. I debated on whether or not to answer, but finally accepted it.

"Yeah?" I drowsily answered.

"BITCH!" She yelled.

"Shunte I really don't-"


I frowned, standing. "What are you talking about?"

"You didn't see the link I sent you? the whole schools talking about it. Why aren't you here?"

"No, what link? What's going on?" I was so confused.

"Just turn it on news channel 3." She quickly squealed through the phone. "That nigga shot himself in the mouth!"

I instantly froze. "W-wait...what?"

"Turn it on the news, they're about to show it again."

I quickly scrambled to grab my remote, dropping my phone and quickly flipping through my channels until I reached the news.

Sure enough, there was Jacob's house....

My heartbeat started to increase.

"Earlier this morning in California, officers surrounded the home of a young man by the name of Jacob Perez. Reports say that there was an anonymous call to the station reporting an attempted murder." A reporter spoke, standing across the street from Jacob's house. There was yellow tape everywhere with detectives and officers standing around the area.

"Oh my gosh..." I stared blankly at the screen.

"When the officers arrived, Perez was armed, but shot himself in the mouth before authorities could arrest him. He was then rushed to a local hospital."

I slowly covered my mouth. "No... this can't be for real...."

As bad as I anted my eyes to be deceiving me, I was actually seeing this.

"Seven year old Selena Perez, also younger sister of Perez was taken into unidentified custody. Leaving forty eight year old victim, Mario Perez dead. The current condition of Jacob Perez remains unknown. More updates coming your way. Here on news channel three."

As the screen switched over to the weather, I stood there in utter confusion. How could all of that had happened in under five hours? I was just with Jacob. I fucking knew I shouldn't have left him. None of this would be happening. How did the police even find out? Who the fuck called the them? Only my mom, Chris and I knew about everything.

"Chris." I whispered, feeling rage take over my body.

Quickly running out of my room, I jogged down the stairs and there Chris was, sitting on the couch with my mom.

"whats up bae-". Cutting him off, I lunged at him. I was swinging at him with all of my might. "You fucking bastard! You called the cops on him!"

"Crystal!" My mom screamed, jumping up to pull me off.

"This is all your fucking fault!" I yelled, feeling tears leak all over my face.

"Crystal calm down!" My mom held onto me.

Chris' lip was busted and he stood up frowning. "What the hell are you talking about!?"

"You know what the fuck I'm talking about! You called the police on Jacob! Now he could be fucking dead!"

"I didn't make him pull the trigger." He smirked, sucking the blood from his lip.

I gave him the most hateful look and attempted to lunge at him again, but my mom pulled me. "Crystal!"

"You're so pathetic." I shook my head. "I can't even believe I even considered you."

Nudging my mom off of me, I fixed my shirt.

"I'm guessing you saw the news huh?" My mom spoke, catching her breath.

I nodded.

"I'm sorry about your friend, but how can you be so sure that Chris was the caller?" My mom asked.

"Yeah." Chris crossed his arms.

"Oh cut the bullshit Chris. I know you fucking did it. Nobody knew about the situation but us three and if I didn't call then it's on one of you two and I know my mom didn't call, right?" I looked at my mom.

"No." She shook her head.

We both then looked at Chris and he shrugged.

"And what if I did? I did the right thing to keep ALL of us safe."

A slight silence overtook the room.

"I fucking knew it!" I screamed, lunging at Chris once more, but he reversed my attempt and slung me down on the couch, holding me down roughly.

"Are you sure you wanna fight? I'll win every time baby." He said lowly into my ear.

"Stop it! Get off of her!" My mom yelled, pulling Chris away from me. "I think it's time for you to leave Chris. Crystal needs space."

"Yes ma'am." Chris nodded and smiled at me before walking out of the front door.

As soon at the door closed, I broke down. "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have left." I cried.

"This isn't your fault. Don't say that." My mom hugged me.

"We have to get to the hospital. I have to see if he's alive mom."


"Please! I'll Uber there if you don't take me." I sniffed, breaking from her hug. "I just need to know."

"Fine." She sighed. "Let's go."

Running upstairs without a word, I grabbed my shoes.

"God please let him be alive." I prayed as I went back downstairs.

If he's dead I can't help but to feel like it's because of me. Something was telling me not to leave him, but I did.... and look what happened.

He needed me and I let him down...

I'm so sorry Jacob. Im praying that I won't have to say Rest In Peace...

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