Epilogue - Ramiro Danner

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Epilogue – Ramiro Danner

I scrolled through Almega, thinking back on the conversation I'd had with Leo when I agreed to be a beta tester for the app. He'd said at the start of it that I needed to be truthful in all the answers I gave, to make the matching system work better.

Even the difficult questions.

This bare-bones piece-of-junk app was my last hope at finding something real in a relationship. I'd answered every question as truthfully as I could, even when the subject was on something you usually didn't discuss out loud with a stranger in a public coffee shop. Leo hadn't seemed bothered or concerned, though, so whatever.

The only problem was, I hadn't been matched with anyone. I checked every day to look at all the profiles of omegas — shit, even other alphas; I was desperate, here — but there was no one who had any sort of compatibility with me whatsoever. Maybe the damn thing was busted.

Or I was hopeless.

I groaned, dropped my phone onto the couch beside me, and leaned my head back on the cushions.

Even if I do get matched with someone who's my type, there's no guarantee it'll go anywhere. "Promising a happily ever after." What bullshit.

I had been used, over and over again. Why should this time be any different?

Suddenly, my phone buzzed.

I growled under my breath, grabbed it again and looked at the screen. My heart dropped out of my chest as I saw that I had not one, but two notifications from the Almega app.

No way, I thought. With my heart pounding, I unlocked my screen and opened the app.

I saw a message from Leo Dyer, informing me that he'd found me a match.

I didn't even hesitate. Appearance, personality, it didn't matter. I'd been matched. I needed to act on this. My text message back to Leo was simple:

"I'm in."

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But we're just warming up.

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Ram's been on the rough side of one too many relationships.

Erik's a sweet, innocent omega with starry-eyes and dreams for the perfect romance.

Can this jaded older man find love in a younger Casanova?

Find out in The Right Match, Coming Soon!

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