Chapter 2 - Leo

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Chapter 2 – Leo

No matter what the weather was outside, Screamin' Beans was always the best place to be, and no one could convince me otherwise. The heritage building that housed the shop was perfectly positioned so that, in the winter months especially, sunlight poured in through the long wall of windows, magnified and intense so that it was almost impossible to tell how cold it was outside — until the door opened, and a chilly gust swept in.

I recognized some of the faces, but only a few, and that was just because I was in here a lot, myself. This was one of my favorite places to be, and it helped that it was also my absolute favorite coffee shop in Seattle.

Even though it was a small location, the petite, modern chairs and tables made the whole place seem more spacious. Golden and bronze tones made up most of the decor, with the occasional creamy-white accent. The place reminded me of a latte.

I was pretty sure that Dexter had done that on purpose. Come inside, think of coffee, buy a coffee. Brilliant.

I pulled my attention back to the work laid out in front of me. Paper covered every inch of the table; I'd even pulled over a few chairs to catch the overflow. Event planning was my life. Schedules, preferences, ideas, venues ... there was a lot to take into consideration, and I needed to concentrate to get it done.

This was very important to me, especially considering that I personally knew the couple I was planning this event for. I had been the one who set them up on their first blind date, and now I was in charge of their baby shower. They couldn't be happier, and neither could I.

That's what I told myself, anyway.

I skimmed a finger down one of my many lists, then dug through the pile in front of me to find another to cross-reference with. Finishing looking through the place where it should have been, I frowned and turned to another stack, thinking that I must have misplaced it.

Not there, either.

Frowning even more, I started to shuffle through the stacks where I knew it wouldn't be. My fingers started to fumble, and a prickle of heat formed on my upper lip. I needed that paper. It was important, dammit.

"If you're going to throw trash on my floor, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Startled, I looked up, and there was Dexter, the owner of the coffee shop, holding a piece of paper in one hand that I recognized right away. "My list! You thief!"

Dexter chuckled and held out my precious list. "It's not that hard to steal from you when you leave your things scattered everywhere. I should start charging you rent." His eyes twinkled with mirth as he placed his hands on his hips to survey my "organization" methods.

I blushed, pushed my hand through my hair, and flashed Dexter as sweet of a grin as I could. "I must have dropped it. You're a lifesaver, Dex."

Dexter's cheeks turned a faint shade of pink. He glanced away, and I knew he was only pretending to survey the shop so he wouldn't have to make eye contact.

For an older man, he didn't act it. He could be so gentle that it was easy to look past his silver hair, laugh lines, and chunky glasses, and imagine what he would have been like when he was younger.

For all his quirks, Dex was a great guy, and when it came down to it, he was probably one of my closest friends. I'd come in here a few years ago, when he first opened Screamin' Beans, and had fallen for the atmosphere and basically everything about it. It was such a relaxed, cozy place to come and work or just hang out.

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