Chapter Eight: Lukadrien Special

Start from the beginning

We missed you today. It wasn't the same without you.
Hopefully you can make it next time.

Adrien sent a quick reply, a smile plastered on his face and set the phone down next to him.

I missed you, too. 😸

Adrien closed his eyes, ready for a good night's rest and was asleep before Luka replied.


"Kid, get up. I'm out of cheese!" Plagg was sitting next to him, repeatedly flicking the hair out of Adrien's eyes - trying to get his attention.

"Knock it off, Plagg," Adrien mumbled as slid his hand across the bed, lightly swatting Plagg away. When his hand hit his phone, he picked it up. "What time is it?"

"I don't know, nor do I care. I just want cheese!" Plagg whined.

Instead of looking at the time, Adrien found himself drawn to his notifications. 'One new message from: Luka.' He clicked the message and read the text.

Purr-haps we could do something together tomorrow - just you and me. 😘

His eyes widened as he stared at the message. There was that not so subtle flirting from Luka again, which made him feel like his insides were jumping and fluttering. The kind of movements that people often describe as butterflies. Just the thought of spending time with Luka was enough to cause Adrien to blush. The idea of spending time with him - alone - made him feel like he did when spending time with Ladybug.

"You're making that stupid face again!" Plagg groaned as he moved to read the message on Adrien's screen.

"What stupid face?" Adrien asked perplexed.

"The 'I'm so deeply in love' face," Plagg mumbled.

"But I can't be making that face. I'm not in love with Luka."

"Sure kid, whatever you say," Plagg said dismissively and dramatically plopped on the bed.

Was the little kwami right? Could he actually be falling for Luka? No way, he loved Ladybug and he was certain no crush was going to overcome that.

As he continued to contemplate the idea despite his sureness, he realized his message to Luka had been written incorrectly. He'd meant to write: 'I missed you two, too.' However, he'd skipped the first two. Adrien mentally facepalmed. That's what I get for replying while I was tired. He decided to accept it anyway and made a mental note to explain the mistake to Luka later.

It would be awesome to hang out, however my father wants me to stay home again today.

It wasn't until after he hit send that he actually looked at the time. "6 am!" He half shouted at Plagg. "Are you kidding me! What have I told you about waking me up this early?"

"It's far too early and you need your beauty sleep. But I need cheese and someone is moving around in the house." Plagg insisted.

"That's too bad. Stop eating all the cheese before you sleep, then you'll have enough to last through the night. Your cheese is becoming an expensive habit that I keep having to explain." Adrien hissed as he placed his phone on his nightstand, kicked off his shoes and climbed under the covers he'd been too tired to use the night before.

"Aw come on!" Plagg whined to no avail.

"No, Plagg. I'm going back to sleep."

Plagg curled up on the bed with an annoyed groan.


As soon as 10 am rolled around, Plagg was right back to bugging Adrien.

"Adrien, get up! You can't sleep all day. Especially, if you plan to hang out with your new best friend, Luka. Who by the way, messaged you an hour ago."

Adrien had been doing his best to ignore Plagg so he could continue sleeping, but at the mention of a message from Luka, he shot up and snatched his phone from the side table. Sure enough another message.

Lukadrienette Love: A Lukadrienette StoryWhere stories live. Discover now