Chapter 14

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September 3rd

We are at Target, and getting things she probably doesn't need.

"Are you nervous about your kids growing up to be like me?" I ask to break the silence.

She gives me the weirdest look, "I think every mom worries about their kids being on drugs, having a drinking problem, and getting pregnant. I also think, I give more attention to my kids than mom ever gave us."

Every mom huh?

"I never worried about that when I was pregnant, all I worried about is I might miss my abortion schedule." I shouldn't have said that.

"That's the difference between us, I don't like to kill children, and I'm not selfish like you. How many abortions did you have eight? You could have eight children by now. That's another different thing about us, I'm not irresponsible, or a big slut."

I don't answer. I could say something worse, but I don't. The rest of the time we are in target we don't talk.

We are in the car now and she is looking at a list.

"I have to go pick something up at a rehab, then take it to my work. If you don't want to do that I can take you home." Jade doesn't take her eyes off the list.

"It's not my home, and it's fine I'll go with you."

The drive is also silent, except the music that's playing. We arrive at a rehab that's for ages twelve to twenty-five.

"I'll be right back." She continues to get out of the car.

I pick at my finger. People have been walking by for the last five minutes, and one catches my eye, a dark haired, blued eyed, cute, guy walks right in front of the car. The car just got really hot, so I step out.

It's Toby. He hasn't seen me. I follow him on the sidewalk. He is on his phone texting I think. I follow him inside. My sisters high pitched voice starts to fill the room. We make it out of the room. My love turns down a hallway and opens a door. He closed the door. I walk up to it

"Toby Miller" The sign says.

I knock on his door once again. It's been awhile since I have knocked on his door. The knock sounded different. The door must be made out if something different.

The man I am one hundred percent in love with answers the door. He looks shocked. Hell, I'm shocked I even knocked, or followed him here.

I hug him. No words are said. We hug each other. I love the way I have to stand on my toes to reach to hug him perfectly.

"You left me." I say finally.

"I won't do it again." He says making me be able to breath.

He makes my eyes burn. You know how when you hug someone you love, and your heart flutters? Well I feel that except so much more.

I guess I closed my eyes, so I open them. A girl. A girl is in his office.

"Who that?" I whisper still holding on to him.

"Umm.. She's nobody."

"She doesn't know about me does she? She thinks you hers doesn't she?"

No answer. I let go of him. My fingers tingle as I leave the one I love. I walk over to the girl.

The next thing I know I'm on top of her, beating her up. Her face is bloody. Toby pulls me off of the whore. My sister is in the door way.

"Let's go. Now." She commands.

"Don't ever talk to me again." I spit at Toby.

The thing is, I don't mean it. I don't mean those words one bit, I don't mean one word that came out of my mouth for that sentence. Now I just hope he knows that.

(Hey! Don't forget to vote and comment! Love ya! xx.)

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