Chapter 5

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June 5th

I wake up to dry tears on my face. I must have been crying in my sleep. I get up to wash the dry tears off my face. I get a wash cloth, put some water on it, and wipe my pale, sad face. I hope Toby isn't upset. If he is I will never talk to him again. He shouldn't just expect me to do that.

I imagine his eyes looking at me, the way he says my name, everything about him makes me feel... alive...

Then I hear a knock at my door. I walk over and open it.

It's my sponsor.

I take a deep breath and shut it in her face. Then she opens my door.

"You have yoga in ten minutes." She states. "Lets go down there."

"I'm not going anywhere." I sass.

"Fine I will just call your mom."

"Uhh let's go." I can't have her call my mom. I put my converse on. I think leggings and a t-shirt will be fine.

It seems like I'm always wearing leggings and a t-shirt. My sponsor motions me to come on. As we leave my room, Toby walks out of his. They look at each other awkwardly.

"Toby." She says in a flirtatious way, then smiles at him.

How could she smile like that at him. As the jealously couldn't take over me anymore it does.

"Samantha." How could he call her Samantha? I don't even call her that.

I glare at him. When he notices me and stops smiling at my sponsor, it's too late to explain why he was practically making out in front of me with my sponsor. I walk past both of them and bump my shoulder against his arm. I don't even look back. My sponsor catches up to me, or should I call her Samantha.

The rest of the way I walk in silence, hatred, jealousy.

"Alice, this is Candy. She is the yoga instructor." My sponsor introduces me.

I wonder if Toby will make out with her in front of me too.

"You can take the last spot in the back." Candy instructs.

I roll my eyes and walk to the mat in the back. My sponsor leaves and Candy starts blabbing something. I pretend I'm paying attention, and I act like I'm at least trying to do what she is doing. I hate this. My brain travels to Toby, his eyes watching mine as they look around the room, the way his body sculpts to mine, but the best is the way his lips move when he says my name, that is my favorite.

I hear footsteps in the hall. I look back and look through the window. It's Toby. Great. He has a basket in his hands, and is running. He runs into the yoga room makes I contact with me.

"Can I help you?" Candy says walking toward him.

He reaches in the basket and throws a water balloon at her, he starts throwing them at a lot of people. As he is throwing them with one hand he grabs mine with his other. I jerk away, but still follow him.

We run out of the yoga room, we run all the way to his room. We stumble into his room.

He is about to kiss me. I am up against the wall. Am I mad at him for something? If so I forgot why. He inches in. Yes I am mad at him, for making out with my sponsor.

I push him away from me.

"You were making out with my sponsor right in front of me!" I spit.

"I've never even kissed her, or even hugged her. What are you talking about?"

"Well you did were giving her the flirty eyes and she was giving them back."

"How is that making out? And I was not giving her flirty eyes, whatever that means." Wow, now he's mad.

"Same difference." I cross my arms.

He looks really mad, 'till he starts smiling, "Wow, someone is really jealous."

I can't help it but smile too. I'm trying to fight it, but I can't his smile is to contagious. He takes me in and kisses me, so perfectly.

"How did you get water balloons?" I laugh.

"I brought some with me." He starts laughing too.

"Well thanks water balloon guy."

"Hey, you never know when you need some water balloons, and I think we brought them out of their concentration." He jokes.

"Your such a dork." I giggle.

He takes me in again and presses his lips against mine.

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