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"Oh c'mon, fuck me already!" Jin whined, hitting the boy on the arm. He shrugged his shoulders, focusing on the game he was playing. "Fine, guess I'll call Yugyeomie."
That caught his boyfriend attention. He turned his game completely off and practically ripped his lovers shirt off. "Gonna make you all mine tonight baby." He growled, going in to kiss Jin's plump, pink, juicy lips.
"Nuh-uh, mister. I don't give kisses to boys who don't pay attention to me." He got up in his tiny shorts and left the room, moving his hips as he walked, knowing it practically made Yoongi drool.

In the kitchen, Jin groaned, his heart heavy. He would miss this. After he got what he wanted out of this, he was leaving Yoongi for good. But he knew he would find someone else quickly. He shrugged off the mildly in love thought and began fixing himself a snack.
"Baby, your brothers calling you." Jin heard Yoongi call from upstairs. He practically fell down just trying to answer the phone.
"Joonie!" Jin exclaimed, a wide smile on his face. He missed his brother so much.
"Hey, Jinnie! I got a new flower!" Namjoon exclaimed, sounding over the moon excited.
"Oh shit! Who was it?"
"Some twink from some bar, I don't really remember.  We were 'together' for maybe two weeks?" Joon snorted, letting out a dry laugh, "He wanted me to meet his parents."
"Babe! Come upstairs!" Jin heard Yoongi call, only to see him come around the corner in only his boxers.
"J-Joon, I gotta go. Bye." Jin threw down the phone, running to his lover, who picked him up.
"'m gonna treat you so good." Yoongi growled in his ear and Jin practically melted.

"J-Joon, I gotta go. Bye." Jin said over the phone. Namjoon scoffed, tossing his phone lightly into the dirt pile. He tried to ignore his aching heart as his placed the lily in the hole.

He heard light footsteps behind him, his brother, Taehyung.
"Taehyung, next time can you shut the fuck up when you bring someone over. I'm so tired of your one night stands." He scolded, noticing the youngers nonchalant expression. He blanked out over the next minute, not hearing what he said. Only focusing on who he broke. Taehyung left, and he just cried.

He missed him.


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