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Taehyung sighed, scooping dirt back onto the hole in the ground that was filled by a small flower in the center. This was the 26th one he had planted, himself alone, not including his two charming older brothers. There had to be over 100 flowers total, so much that they were running out of space.
"Taehyung, come inside!" One brother, Jin, called out to him. Taehyung looked up, barely smiling at the older. This flower, this one hurt him.

The Kim brothers, infamously known all over their
city. Players, Heartbreakers, you name it.
Almost anything of that nature suited the three.
They date and date, and they break and break.
Hearts are shattered, left on the ground to just be stomped on. Their flower garden is the most significant thing to them. Why? Well you see, it represents everyone.

*intended lowercase after jeongguk pt2
this won't be a very long book, at least i hope not. nonetheless, enjoy

 nonetheless, enjoy

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