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The bar was crowded, more than usually on a Tuesday night. The countless sorority girls giggling just made Taehyung want to gouge his eyes out. He rolled his eyes, heading over to a corner untouched. He watched the crowd, silently, observing the sweaty bodies grinding and the bored adults chatting. Taehyung wanted to do with neither crowd. Dancing repulsed him, club dancing that is. But so did sitting and chatting inside of a lively club, to him it signified old age. A particular boy caught his eye. He had big doe eyes and beautifully messy black hair. Intrigued, Taehyung waltzed over to him.
"What's such a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?" He whispered, shocking the unsuspecting boy. "What do you like to drink?"
"Water." He mumbled just loud enough for Taehyung to hear. He let out a low laugh before signaling to the bartender, asking for two waters.
"What are you doing here?" He further questioned, sitting on a barstool next to the boy, who turned to face him.
"My friends dragged me out. Didn't wanna come." The younger pouted and it was rather cute.
"Well what's your name?" Taehyung sweetly asked as the bartender set down the waters.
"Jeongguk." He said, mumbling a thank you to the bartender and taking a sip.
"Well, Jeongguk, you're awfully attractive and very intriguing. Say we get to know each other more." He raised his eyebrow slightly, almost nervous for the boys answer. After a minute, the boy smiled and said a quick sure.

Goddamn, Jeongguk knows how to get down, how to do everything just goddamn  perfect. Hopefully now the whole neighborhood knows just how perfect he was.
"Taehyung, next time can you shut the fuck up when you bring someone over. I'm so tired of your one night stands." Namjoon scolded as he worked on planting another flower.
"Jesus Joon, I don't think he's going to be some fling." Taehyung scoffed, annoyed that he insinuated that. "Look at you, planting another fucking flower. Anyways, I'm gonna go tend to Jeongguk." And he left with a dry laugh. Namjoon turned around, tears cascading down his cheeks. He hated how he did this last one.

"Jeongguk! I have breakfast!" Taehyung called, rounding the corner with a plate full of delicacies.
"You don't want me to be a fling?" He squeaked. A small smile was displayed on his pink cheeks. He looked so damn cute in Taehyung's big t-shirt and boxers. "I was just trying to find the restroom. I'm sorry I overheard." Jeongguk looked down at the floor.
"Of course not, Jeongguk. I hardly know you, but I know you're special." Taehyung said, smiling at him.

"Let's go eat shall we?"

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