Go Away, Mark!

265 21 12

Dedicated to That-Repressed-Yeemo

It's so dank and that's exactly how it happened and ohmygosh I imagined it exactly as it would be sung

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It's so dank and that's exactly how it happened and ohmygosh I imagined it exactly as it would be sung... This is possibly one of my favorite memes

Bro do y'all even understand these memes? I know that the next blink-182 memes that I'll be posting will also be kinda crossover memes like how the last one was with FOB

Also, does anybody have any memes they want to share with me? If you post them on wattpad and tag me in it, I'll enhance the image and repost it on here, giving you all the credits. Y'all interested in doing that? And gosh diddly dang, we're really close to 10K (although the popularity growth rate has slowed down) so woohoo you gonna get to see my face, broskies

Also, my dad taught me how to tie a necktie ^-^ just the next step to being my genderfluid little self! (Also, my sexuality is a really complicated thing, especially when it comes to pronouns and names n stuff so if y'all want, I can post the next chapter explaining all that? Should I do that?)

Have an excellent day, loves!

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