Chapter 1

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"I'm telling you, I don't see anything!" I hissed into my phone at Chase as I leafed through the documents on the table. I hadn't bothered wearing gloves because it wasn't as though the gang members who owned the house would risk reporting a break in, but now I was starting to regret it because my palms were sweating.

Chase's calm tone came through my earpiece. "Check everywhere. Try the floorboards. Are any loose?"

"C'mon, you can't expect me to wiggle every floorboard I see, but I've already looked and nothing seems loose." I ran my hand though my hair in frustration. "I'm not some amateur." Almost immediately after saying that, I felt a twinge of guilt. I hadn't meant to take out my frustration on Chase. After all, I knew he meant well.

"Okay. Grab what you found earlier and come out."

I nodded, but realized that he couldn't see me. "Yes, Sir." I made my way to the window, being careful not to leave any personal belongings behind that would link the mess of papers to me. I could hear him sigh quietly. Despite Chase's insistence that I use his name, I always made not to. Doing otherwise would mean that we were getting close, and I couldn't risk any personal ties distracting me from my job.

I opened the window and climbed onto the frame. I could see Chase sitting in his car about a block down. After making sure that the surroundings were clear, I jumped. It was lucky that I only had two storeys to fall. I did a roll to break my fall and quickly checked my surroundings again before running to the car.

Once I reached the car, I yanked the door open and thrust my bag at Chase. He scanned the contents. "Well done, Arielle. You know you could always apply to join the evidence recovery unit after you graduate."

I scoffed. "I'm sure they'd love to let me join. Their sole purpose is to collect evidence in a legal manner to solve crimes and imagine me putting on my resume that I have experience breaking into houses to steal evidence." I was admittedly in a bad mood. We had come here for two things. I had managed to locate what Chase wanted me to find regarding this one gang member and his recent drug deals, but I couldn't find the any intel concerning my sister that I had come to look for.

Chase laughed lightly as he drove. I was pretty sure that he was used to my mood swings. "C'mon Arielle, you know that's confidential. On the surface, we're just an agency dedicated to solving cold cases. That's great experience." Then, when I didn't respond, he added in a joking tone. "Well, you could try gymnastics. That jump was pretty amazing and you're pretty good at getting in and out of tight places."

Now I knew he was messing with me. "Yeah sure. They'd definitely be amused when I tell them my experience is from jumping out of windows while trespassing. Anyways, you're assuming I don't get killed playing with fire one day." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on. Humour me, Arielle Reagan. You're much too skilled for that."

I cracked a small smile. "But in all seriousness, Sir, I told you that I was well aware of the consequences should I be caught when I started this job. Regardless of what happens, I have to do this. For my sister."

Chase nodded silently. "She's very lucky to have you." Chase had dedicated his entire to this organization and taking down the Black Phoenix. It had never crossed my mind as to why he cared so much, but I didn't really care about his motives. Chase and I had a mutually beneficial relationship. I would help him out and he would help me find my sister. "I'll drive you home." He added, pulling me from my thoughts.

"I was going to go back to the office with you to look through the papers."

"I can handle it. Don't you have homework or something?"

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