The date at home || chapter eleven

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IT was the weekend and white always comes back from school giving me updates about the outside world. Its been two weeks may I add. Two weeks away from home. The bruises were already healed and I looked like I haven't been touched it once. I still jump when white yells or when he simply lifts his hand I flinch away. I'm a mess I didn't like it at all.
White would always reassure me and apologize even if it weren't his intentions at all. He would hold me when I cry and rub my head until I was calm again. His touch reminded me of how my mother used to be. Always soothing my sadness always with a gentle rub and soft slow humming. It's been years since I felt this kinda touch, this love.
I craved this is bad. Now that I have it I wouldn't trade it for the world. We were sitting in his room to watch something on tv. "Hey kin," he said shyly "I been wanting to asks you if you wanted to go on a date you, well not an actual date but a dinner to get your mind off of everything". I look his way and saw white nervous for the second time now.
We still didn't speak on the kiss he gave me, but my lips still tingled whenever I thought about it. A dinner wouldn't sound so bad, but just because it didn't sound like it that didn't mean it wasn't bad. " I would like to brian really I would it's just, I can't risk going outside he could be anywhere". His face dropped and he nodded his head. "Yeah your right, that was stupid of me".
He turns back around facing the tv again. I felt like an ass turning him down. It was the least I could do for him after everything he's done for me. "White please don't be mad I think it's only for the best". He looked at me and smiled shaking his head agreeing with me. The smile didn't reach his eyes as they used to and his eyes weren't as bright as they used to be.
" Maybe we can have a dinner date inside white if that's okay with you". And like a light switch, his eyes were bright again. "that's a good idea bebita, why didn't you think of that brian". He said looking in the air. He grabbed his phone and begin typing in a number.
" yeah maybe a pizza and some wings would do while we watch Netflix," I said leaning against his shoulder. He nodded again with a smile forming on his face. "This is gonna be the best date ever" both of our heads snapped up to look at each other. My cheeks began to heat up and I watched whites go from a tan to a light shade of pink. "Dinner, I meant dinner".
And he grabbed the phone and walked out of the room. It's been weeks since we first met. From pushing me to taking me in without a second thought. Still, I couldn't get too comfortable staying here. Enjoying it just for it to get taken from right under me.
I heard the door downstairs open and seconds later closed. White came in the room with food in his arms smiling extremely hard. " foods ready darling" he said placing the food down on the bed. The smell of the food reached my nose and began to dance. I grabbed the pizza box while white picked a movie to watch.
Once the movie was picked he scooted up to the bed. And grabbed him a slice of pizza from the box. He looked at me and smile then focusing back on the tv. I continued to stare at the side of his face then the tv. Maybe I can enjoy this for a while.

BEBITA™ (unedited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora