Looking upwards || Chapter eight

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I felt a handshake me from my slumber. I turned to see Brian looking at me with once again a concern. "Are you alright, this is the fourth time I had to shake you up" I looked down in embarrassment. It was the first night in years I could get a night of good sleep, back home I had to stay wake scared of what would happen if I wasn't. I realized how much power my father has over me even when I'm not around him.
He still managed to make my life a living hell. "Sorry white, I guess I got too sleepy" I tried to laugh it away to release the tension in the air around us. He nodded stepping back giving me room for me to get out. I look to see a different neighborhood than the one I was used to. This one made me feel like I was out of place like I don't belong.
These houses were bigger than my house combined with itself again. I begin to regret going with Brian to his house and begin to think about what was my father doing. Was he still asleep? Was he woke? Hopefully, I guess. Both brain and I began walking up to his house. He lets out a sigh of relief and smirks to himself.
"Okay bebita you have two options, I can't keep you here against your will this is your decision" he said looking at me with seriousness. " if you stay here you have to stay in my room, my mom is away on another business trip hence how there's only my car stating in my room keeps you safe and out of sight of course" I nodded my head signaling him to continue. "Or you can leave and go somewhere far from where your father can't find you, I'll give you money that you'll be set, it's all up to you bebita" I nodded again understanding him. If I stay and not show up to school it'll really seem like I left the city. But if I leave I'll be considered as a runaway to the system cause if a manhunt, it'll happen whether I leave or go.
"I'll stay here with you." He smiled at turned to open the door. Once he opens the door I gasped. His house made my room seem like a garage. The decor was beautiful, white and black along with red to give it color. " you can follow me upstairs and we can show you where you'll be staying"
I nodded following him up the stairs to see many doors. We walk down towards the only door that was painted light blue. He opens it to reveal an average 17-year-old boys room. "You'll be staying here bebita," he said with open arms and a smile. I notice how his cheeks reached the top of his eyes.
Even his fucking his smile was beautiful gosh. I looked towards something else in the room to take my mind off of his smile. I notice he had a futon a couple of inches away from his bed. I begin to walk over there to put all my stuff down. "Oh no Kinsley you're not sleeping there, you'll be sleeping in my bed," he said grabbing my bag and bring them towards the bed. "White you've done everything for me, I'm not taking your bed" "really kin I don't mind" "no white I'll just sleep on the futon" "bebita really I would rather have you sleep on th-" "I said I'll sleep on the fucking futon Brian" as soon as the words left my mouth I felt a grip on my chin.
"Let's get one thing straight bebita, while you'll be staying here I don't tolerate disrespect do you understand me" he whispered in my ear. I nodded my head after feeling the pressure on my chin tighten. He lets my chin go and began walking out the door. " get settled in, I'm gonna go smoke". He leaves the room I try to shake the sensual feeling off of me.
I shouldn't once so ever be getting attached to white. It can't happen at all, at all. With everything with my dad going on, I don't have time to fall for someone. I am grateful though, who would've known that there was a side like this in him. He truly amazed me.
I begin putting away clothes in drawers that were empty so setting all of my stuff on the dresser. I walked to the bathroom in the next room and stared into space. His bathroom the walls were baby blue marble and everything else was white matching his room. I put all of my products and stuff in the place they go to. I looked in the long mirror next to the tub and saw my reflection.
I lifted my shirt to see the badge was still covering my ribs and different type of bruises still had a place to live on my body. I wiped the tears that found there way on my cheeks. That was the pass, it was over. No more on it and no more crying about it either. I pulled my shirt back down and l walked out of the bathroom.
I begin to look around me again. I really had left the house. Things were finally looking up for me. No more abuse for me. I walked towards the bed putting the bags next to the bed and getting into I put my bonnet on my head and turn of the lamplight.
I could finally get a good sleep.

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