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"Omg Carter I can't believe two months are almost done. We're gonna meet Patrick and do what we had to do from years ago" I started jumping and dancing.

"And that's the worst part" he closed his eyes and muttered under his breath.

"Why? You should be happy. We're finally gonna do this." I sat on the couch near him.

"Em... Yeah am so happy cupcake." He smiled a forced smile.

"Good." I whispered.

It's been almost two months and his still the same. His not that hyper and excited person anymore,he changed.

I always see him crying but when I step in his view he starts laughing, smiling and joking etc.


"You all have a secret and know very well why you came here. All of you trained well and I'll be so proud of you if you succeed in what you want to do. But the most important thing is to be careful." The Drill was commanding.

We were all standing like biscuits in their packs.No one can talk and if someone do so, bye bye to them.

"And do you know what makes you strong and brave?" He took a deep breath "It's to support your buddy if their in danger." He looked at Carter.

Why Is he saying this? or should I say why did he look at Carter when he said that?

Is Carter in danger? Is he so sad and depressed because of that? But if his in danger why did he look at him? How can he help himself and he said help your buddy?

"Lea?" The drill shouted

Omg why-why-why is he calling me?

"Yes sir?" I stood still and tapped my foot on the ground.

"Follow me" he ordered.

"O-o- okay." I followed him and looked back at Carter. He was busy looking at his feet.


"Yes sir." I entered his office.

"Sit down" he pointed at the chair in front of his office table.

He never let anyone sit down. Why is he acting weird? Something's wrong with everyone. Why can't I know what's happening to them?

"Okay sir" I stepped closer and sat on the chair.

"You know that you're gonna get revenge from Pa... Pa.."

"Patrick sir"

He smiled"Yeah,Patrick."

He-he smiled? Whaaaat?

"Yes sir. I am going to take revenge from Patrick."

"Are you ready?"

"More than any other time."

"Are you ready to meet him and face him?" He gave me a worried smile.

"Is there something sir?"

"N-n-no" he threw his pen on the floor and bent down to take it. He kept so long.

"Sir? Are you okay?"

He got up." Yeah. I am just asking you if you're ready now"

"I'm ready."

"You have to review this and then think well. You can go now."

"Okay sir. Thank you." I stood up and opened the door.

"Be careful Lea."

I nodded and exited the room. Why is everyone asking me if I am sure to take revenge from Patrick now? I need to know. I don't want Carter to be in danger if I take revenge from Patrick now.

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