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2 weeks later.

"Did you finish packing honey" Julia entered my room.

"Not yet. Just a little more" I replied.

" Can't believe you're going. Take care of yourself Lea, okay?"

"Don't worry mom. You said that If Carter is with me, I won't be in danger, right?" I said as I stepped closer to her and kissed her on the forehead.

"Yeah but, am just gonna miss you honey." She forced a smile.

"Me too. Now don't make me cry." I said and went back and continued packing.

"I won't make my baby cry," She took a deep breath "You guys are leaving in 2 days so I was wondering if we could have a family night together before you leave."

" Great idea mom. We can plan where and when we will do it after dinner okay?"

" Okay sweetheart. I'm going to prepare dinner. See you later"

After 5 minutes, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." I yelled.

"Hi Lea."

I turned back and saw Shane.

"Can I come in?"

" Of course. Sit there." Pointing at a couch.

I left whatever am doing and sat near him.

" I'll miss you" he smiled half heartily

"It's not that bad. It's just 2 months." I put my hand on his knee.

He was holding a small scarf in his hands. " Oh I forgot. I came here to give you this." He handled me the scarf.

"This is my scarf. Just remember me whenever you put it on okay?" He smiled.

"Aww Shane. You're just so sweet. I will always put it on, but not in my training so it won't get lost."

" love you." He said as he hugged me.

" Me too"

He got up and marched out.

Just after he went,I heard knocking on the door again.

"Are they by turns? Everyone wants to see me now? Are they standing in a line?" I whispered to myself.

"Come in Andrew."

He popped his head from the door. "How did you know it was me?"

" You're the Only one left to come here." I snickered

" Oh okay. So can I enter?" He asked

"You're already inside my room Andrew"

"Okay. Can I sit?"


He sat near me and kissed my hand. Does he have a fever of kissing me on my hand?

" Um.... The house will be empty when you leave." He cried.

" Don't cry Andrew. Am not going to keep long." I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

" Okay so I just wanted to give you this book." He handled it to me.

"Book?"I questioned.

"Yeah. You could read it before you go to sleep." he smiled

He doesn't know that we will be having training like 22/24 hours and there wouldn't be time for us to breath?

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