Chapter 8

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~ Lady Tsunade's POV~

Sharing a glance with Kakashi, I knock on Sasuke's door, only to be met with silence.

"You sure they're in here?"

"Unless Sasuke decided to take him for a stroll on the beach, yes."

Rolling my eyes, I opt to opening the door and entering instead of standing there like an idiot. I small smile tugs at my lips at the sight before me, before I shake it off, remembering the seriousness of the situation.

Stepping towards the pair, I hesitantly nudge Sasuke, trying to rouse him from his slumber. Though I will admit the image of him falling asleep with his head in Naruto's lap was soothing, I unfortunately had to break it up.



With a groan, he wipes away his tiredness and look around dazed.

"Lady Tsunade....?"

He looks over to where he was just resting, and sees Naruto.

"Shit. OH! Lady Tsunade! I'm so glad you're here, please, please help him."

I reach out and put my hand on his shoulder. With a reassuring smile, I look over at Naruto.

"I'll do what I can."

~Naruto's POV~

It's so dark... Where am I?

Why can't I move?!

Am I dead? Oh god, I'm dead, nooooo I'm too young to die!

Help me please!

I can't stay here, I need to go back.

I don't want to die.

I'll do anything, please, just give me one more chance to make things right with him.

I need to tell him that I...

That I love him...


I'm begging you...

~Sasuke's POV~

"Sasuke. Sit the hell down."

My pacing pauses, and I let out a sigh as I sink into one of the couches, putting my head in my hands.

"...Sorry I'm just...really...worried.."

I feel the couch sink in, and look up to see Kakashi sitting next to me.

"It'll be okay Sasuke. I have a feeling he'll make it out of this."

Maybe, but will I?

As the minutes tick by, my worries grow stronger, and my patience is worn thin. I'm receiving glares of annoyance from the constant tapping of my feet, and the continuous pacing.

The sun has started to peek through my window, and I yawn for what seems like the hundredth time, and run my fingers through my hair.

"Tsunade.... how much longer? Give me updates at least. How bad is it?"


Looking over at Kakashi, I shoot him an exasperated look, and he just shrugs.

Groaning, I feel a familiar sense of dread feel my body.

Shit. The last time I felt this was after my brother....did what he did....

No no no, I cannot fall back into that hole, I just started to get out.


Snapping my head up to meet her gaze, a pit forms in my stomach at the look in her eyes.

"How bad is it?"



Flinching at my sudden outburst, she looks down at Naruto.

"It's bad Sasuke.."

Standing up, I start pacing again.

"How bad....?"

"He's in a coma, Sasuke."

Freezing, I stare at her in unbelief.

"No. You're lying!"

"I'm sorry..."

"Bullshit! You're wrong!"

Lady Tsunade sighs, tears slowly flowing, and strokes Naruto's face.

"I'm sorry Sasuke. He is in a coma, and I'm not sure what I can do to save him."

"No!" I cry out. My knees get weak, and I crumple to the floor in a emotional mess.

"No....this is just a dream... this isn't real."

Sobbing on the floor, I start hitting the floor with all my strength.

"I'll kill you! Whoever did this to him! I swear I'll kill you!"

With a gasp, Lady Tsunade covers her mouth.


I raise my head enough to stare into her eyes.
With a snarl, I spit out.

"He was the only thing I ever wanted. I opened up my walls to him, and look what happened. They deserve whatever is coming for them."

She stands up and wipes her eyes, looking at me with a emotionless expression.

"I'm sorry you feel that's the only solution. I understand the want for justice, but killing the person responsible is not the way to go about it."

I scoff. "Is that why you did nothing when my brother killed my entire clan? Because killing isn't right, so you let him escape?"

I stand up, trying to telling myself to shut up, knowing I don't mean any of the things that have been said out of anger.

"I wish he'd kept going and killed everyone else in this damn place."

Kakashi inhales sharply, and Lady Tsunade's glare turns to ice, but there's a hint of hurt behind it all.

"You don't mean that."

"You've taken this too far Sasuke."

My eyes widen, and I let out a laugh filled with disbelief.

"I went too far? What about the monster who did this to Naruto, huh? He didn't fucking deserve this!"

Lady Tsunade starts crying again, and guilt starts to fill up inside me.

"I know, dammit! And I'm sorry it ended up like this, but that does not give you the right to accuse me of shit that was out of my hands! I tried okay?"

Looking down, I let out a small sob.

"I'm so sorry.... I'm so so sorry..."

As tears roll down my face like rivers, I'm shocked when I'm suddenly embraced.

"It's not your fault... I'm sorry too.. I shouldn't have lost my temper..."

Nodding for the sake of not embarrassing myself any more, I slowly allow myself to relax in her arms.

"We'll get through this, I'll make sure of it."

Sniffling, I talk into her shoulder.


"We're gonna figure out who did this."

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