Chapter 6

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Sasuke's POV
He was sleeping when I got home that day.
I didn't wake him.
I told myself I'd do it the next day.
I chickened out.
And here I am now.

It's been two weeks since the day I realized I liked him. It's been two weeks of him being away with training, and me being away teaching my pupils.
But it's not like I haven't put any effort into him. I've come home without taking care of my wounds from my training with Kakashi and Iruka, but he's either gone or sleeping.
I've tried to find him during the day, but always get too stuck with work to actually get to him.
Even when I do, I somehow always get interrupted before I can even think of going up to him.
Maybe it's just not meant to be.
Sighing, I decide to just head home for the day.
There's no use standing here all day if nothings gonna happen.

~~Time Skip~~

A grunt escapes my lips as sweat drips down my body. Breathing heavily, I take a break, sitting down on the ground. Pulling my wrist wraps off, I grab some water and quickly drink it, relishing the cold sliding down my throat.
Rubbing my head with my hands I groan in frustration.
Get out of my head.
I'll only get hurt.
Standing up, I sprint to Ino's house, on the other side of the village.
Panting when I get there, I knock on her door before leaning over to catch my breath.
After a few minutes I knock again, to which her door cracks open.
Cracking a small smile, I wave.
Letting out a breath, she opens the door the rest of the way, and moves to the side.
"Come in."
Stepping into her house, I hear a click as she shuts the door, and she walks past me, motioning for me to follow.
Trailing after her, I pull myself onto the kitchen counter as she starts pulling things out to make lunch.
"I wasn't expecting anyone today, is grilled cheese alright?"
Leaning against the cabinets, I nod, before remembering she isn't facing me.
"Yeah, it's fine. Sorry for just dropping by like this."
She chuckles, before turning her head to face me.
"Don't apologize. I hardly see you these days, I'm glad you stopped by."
When I stay silent she turns to continue cooking.
"Is there anything I can help you with today?"
Watching her from behind, I smile a little.
I've missed her.
"Yeah, but it can wait. I just want to spend time with you for now."
"Aww did you miss me?"
I scoff with a grin on my face.
"You wish."

No ones POV
Times flies quickly as Sasuke and Ino catch up from the time they've spent apart due to daily life, and it takes Sasuke's mind off a certain someone for the time being. He's glad for the distraction. Yet somewhere in the village, that certain someone has run into trouble, once again, and he might not get out clean this time.

Naruto's POV
Hurrying to get home from a long day's worth of training and work, I turn the corner and almost run into someone.
"Ah, sor—"
Stopping, I am once again greeted by a certain female with annoyingly pink hair.
"Oh. It's you."
A smile on her face, she links her arm with mine.
"Don't be like that Naruto, I just want to get to know you."
Being dragged along, I blink at her in surprise.
Well I don't want to.
With a sigh, I reluctantly follow her.
"Where are we going?"
She giggles.
"It's a surprise."
I hate surprises unless it's food.
Or Sasuke.
What, no!
Shaking my head, I watch as she drags me towards a small dingy house.
Shivers crawl up my spine, and my hair stands up on edge.
With a low growl, I try to pull away, when she turns with a smirk.
Suddenly colors fill my vision, and I start to fall as it goes black.


Groaning, I slowly sit up, eyes adjusting to the dim lighting.
Narrowing my eyes when I see several silhouettes in the room with me, I growl.
A sharp pain strike through my head, and an image of my father flashes through my eyes.
Whimpering, I clench my fists and shut my eyes as more flashbacks occur.
A laugh rings through the room, and I freeze.
..That's not my father?
Hesitantly opening my eyes. I see a flash of of pink hair before I'm slammed into the ground.
Growling at her, I try to push her off only to find my hands tied to the floor.
This witch!
I grunt, when I see three more people walk up, all with their own sneers.
"This is what's gonna happen,"
Snapping gaze back onto Sakura's, I glare at her as she continues.
"You, are gonna get beat. You, are gonna stay away from my Sasuke. And, you are going to keep quiet about this."
Two of the other people in the room come forward and yank me up from the floor when she steps off.
They tie my hands to the wall, and tie my feet where my hands were tied on the floor, leaving me completely helpless.
Grunting each time I get hit, I hang my head and wait for it to get over with.
It's not like it's a new thing.
Finally when they stop punching my ribs out, and causing my head to throb, the untie me, drag me up the stairs and throw me out the door.
"I'll see you next week."
With a cackle, she shuts the door, and I'm left to find my way home.
Standing up, I slowly make my way home, my arm holding my ribs as they move in an odd way.
One's broken for sure.
Finally making it to the house after what seems like forever, I make it to the stairs before I stumble from exhaustion. Leaning against the door, I slide to the ground and sigh.
There's no way I'm moving any farther without help.
Clearing my dry throat, I let out a croak.

Sasuke's POV
With a hug, I leave her house feeling better than I have in a while. I'm glad we got to be friends, I have no idea where I'd be without her being there for me all the time.
But now that I've left the house, my thoughts of him are back.
I'm not necessarily complaining, I mean he's hot, and I like him so thinking and imagining him isn't so bad. It's the fact that he isn't mine, that sucks.
The sooner I get home, the sooner I get rest and stop my thoughts.
Jogging home, I freeze when I see a slumped figure on my porch.
Who the heck...?
Slowly creeping forward, I gasp when I see his face.
Worry growing inside me like a wild fire, I race up the stairs, falling to my knees in front of him. Touching his face, I nudge his shoulder.
"Hey... Naruto. Wake up."
When he doesn't move, my lungs tighten up, and my chest begins to ache.
"Please. . . Get up Naruto!"
Yelling, I pick him up, and kick the door open, walking into my house. Setting him on the couch, I flip on a light and let out a pained gasp.
His face is turning purple, blood just starting to dry. His arms and legs aren't in any better condition.
Kneeling in front of him, I gently touch his face, leaning my forehead against his before getting up and rushing to the kitchen.
In my haste, I knock multiple things of the counter, and crack the pantry door before getting to the first aid kit.
Practically running back to his side, I freeze, as my face turns bright red.
Tenderly pulling his shirt off, I choke at his physique, before gaping as the state of his body, not knowing the words to describe the sight.
Knowing little about healing, I debate getting Lady Tsunade when I recall she just went out to another village to talk to there leader.
I pull at my hair, biting my lip in agony.
There's no way I'm going to get Sakura.
I guess I'll have to do it myself.
Having a tiny bit of training from Lady Tsunade, I feel his ribs, which look the worst, and one moves inwards.
Breathing hard, I quickly apply the healing ointment onto the open cuts, and wrap up his abdomen— in what I think is the right way — and do what I can to the rest of his body.
Hesitant, I just slide his shorts up a little before going about with the aid I can provide without any distraction.
Sighing when I'm done, I pull his pants off, without looking and put his bloodied clothes in the bathroom to clean later.
Walking back into the room he's laying in, I drape a blanket over him, and sit down next to him on the ground, before gently grabbing his hand. Leaning my head on the couch, I watch him, realizing how calm he looks.
"Naruto. . . I like you. . ."
Drifting off into sleep, I hope with all my heart that when I wake up tomorrow, so will he.

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