Chapter 3

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*Can't contain my laughter after imagining Sasuke making a fangirl squeal and gets kicked out of math.*

Sasuke's POV
I led Naruto to Lady Tsunade. We walked into the building and she turned to face me without seeing Naruto who had hid behind me.
"Sasuke! I didn't expect you back so soon, did you take care of the demon?"
I nodded.
"Good job. Now that's the last mission we'll give you for a while okay? So go take some time off and relax or train."
I nodded again. " Lady Tsunade."
"Yes?" She looked up puzzled.
"I brought someone with me who wants to live here."
Raising her eyebrow she looks around the room.
I sigh and turn around. " Naruto come in already would you?"
Naruto slowly peeks his head in the walks in behind me, and stands next to me.
Lady Tsusnade looks him up and down (noticing him in my clothes) and smiles.
"Hello Naruto. You want to live here?"
He quickly nods and I chuckle.
Lady Tsunade looks surprised when I chuckle, but quickly composes herself.
"Okay just answer these questions."
She asks him some questions which he answers truthfully.
She smiles, " Okay. You can stay here. I'll find you a place to stay."
She starts looking through papers to find an available house, and Naruto's eyes go wide.
"W-wait! I-I don't want...!"
I turn to Naruto in surprise and raise my eyebrow. Lady Tsunade stops shuffling through the papers.
"Is there something wrong, Naruto?"
He blushes. "Well... I don't...w-want to b-b-be...."
I step in,"Be what Naruto?"
He looks at me and turns redder. "A-alone! I don't want to be a-alone!"
It goes silent. Lady Tsunade and I stand there shocked, before she starts laughing.
I turn to her with my mouth open. I was shocked beyond belief at what Naruto said. That gave me a chance! Wait. A chance for what. Why am I so happy?
She catches her breath and smirks at us.
"So where do you want to stay Naruto? Last I checked you don't know anyone in the village but Sasuke."
My heart starts to beat rapidly, as I think about what she said. Is she suggesting that he stay with me?
My thoughts fly out of control, and some smexy thoughts even find there way in. No, no, no. I've never liked people that way. And he would never like me that way anyway.
Naruto looks down, and mumbles something,
Lady Tsunade sighs,"Naruto speak up."
I see his face flush more-if that's even possible-and he shuffles his feet.
"Uh, um.....If it's uh possible... I'd uh like to stay with....."
He mumbles again.
Lady Tsunade sighs again." Naruto. Would you like to stay with Sasuke?"
He looks up and his face is beet red as he nods.
I can feel my own face flush and look away so they can't see.
"Sasuke is that okay with you?"
I nod, and grab his arm, dragging him out.
Once we get out of the building, I pull him through the streets. Suddenly he stops walking and I can't get him to move.
"What is it Naruto?"
I turn and see him eyeing the ramen place with sparkles in his eyes.
I chuckle, and drag him into the restaurant.
Sitting down, I order a large bowl of ramen for him, and a water for myself.
When they arrive Naruto's eyes go wide, and he finishes before I even grab my water.
He looks at me expectantly, and I order him two more.
By the time I'm done with my water, he's eaten fifteen large bowls of ramen.
Rolling my eyes I drag him out before he can ask for more. I almost used all the money I had on me!
We quickly walk through the streets, and I'm just about to turn a corner when I hear something I had been wanting to avoid.
I flinch and turn around to see a flash of pink tackle me to the ground.
My hand is ripped from Naruto's arm, and I gasp as my head hits the ground.
Groaning at the pain in my head, and at the heavy weight on top of me, I growl.
"Get off Sakura."
She giggles and tries to hug me, but I shove her off and stand up.
"Aw Sasuke come on! You know you want me~"
Throwing up in my mouth I roll my eyes. "I've told you time and time again, to get lost."
She grabs onto my arm, and traces my bicep muscles. Growling I shove her off.
"Sakura, get lost. Find someone else, who's actually interested in you. I swear if you bug me again I'm going to-"
I suddenly feel a hand grab mine and I immediately think it's Sakura, but when I turn my head to see, I find Naruto's hand gripping mine.
I look at his face and he smiles that everlasting sunshine smile, causing me to smile back.
I hear a gasp, and see Sakura glaring at Naruto.
She glares at him on more time before running off.
I smile at him, and continue walking to my-our house, holding his hand the whole way.

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