Do you ever wonder why we're here?

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Ember: "Ok, I'm back, hopefully I won't have to take anymore breaks, and no one else tries to kill me again..." She says with a pointed glare at Tommy, Dommy, and Ddawn. They all shrugged unapologetically.

Ember wrinkled her nose and shook her head. "You guys are something else. Let's just get on to the asks and dares." She changed the subject.

Ember looks down at her tablet and gave it a sharp-toothed grin. "Heh. Comeuppance. Although I can't be around for it because I will throw up." She said with a grimace.

She called over for Tommy. Who groaned and trudged over. "What do you want, creamweasel?" He growled.

Ember smirked at him. "nayengal has a dare for you. You have to be covered in cream cheese for an hour." She said with a wicked grin.

Tommy's eyes widened. "What?! That's disgusting! Wait, that isn't some kind of euphemism for something else is it?" He said with a concerned expression.

Ember gave him a flat look. "I don't know. Or care. It's my job to take things literally so we're doing this the correct way." She hissed.

Ember tapped her chin with a claw. "But how in the blazes are we gonna get that much cream cheese?" She asked herself.

Tommy looked around. "Uh, we don't?" He grinned, trying to weasel out of it.

Ember rolled her eyes. "No, we're still doing it,it'll just be harder than I anticipated." She grumbled.

Ember mused for a moment. "Hey, who here makes the most money?!" She called.

Don raised his hand without looking up.

Ember blinked with surprise. "Really? You?" She said disbelievingly.

Don raised a brow. "Uh, I'm an assassin, remember? I get paid very well for my skills~" he said slyly.

Ember tilted her head. "Huh. I guess that would make sense. Then can you, 10 canisters of cream cheese?" She requested.

Don wrinkled his nose. "Ew, gross. What for?" He asked.

Ember: "it's for a dare." She stated simply.

Don rolled his eyes. "Ugh, fine." He growled and stalked off.

Ember: "Ok, while he's doing that, hey Jon!" Jon jumped at the shout," what's your opinion on goats!" She shouted.

Jon grew silent and his eyes became spaced out as he stared at the floor. "Demons...hell spawn...spawn of Cthulhu..."He whispered absently as though he had some sort of PTSD.

Ember blinked slowly. "...Um. Ok. I think we're gonna need to get you some therapy." She stated with concern.

Ember shook her head clear. "Anyway, anyone know where Uni is?" She inquired.

Duni looked up. "He's in his room drawing. For some reason he doesn't let me in there though." He answered huffily.

Ember gave him an unimpressed look. "Hm. I wonder why." She said flatly. "Whatever. Thanks for the help, I guess." She said before running upstairs.

She knocked on Uni's door.

She heard a shout from inside. "If you're Duni go away!"

Ember rolled her eyes and shouted back. "Well I'm not Duni so can I come in?!" She yelled loudly.

Uni was silent for a moment. "Oh. It's just you Ember. Yea, you can come in." He responded calmly.

Ember walked in and saw Uni sitting at a desk drawing something on a tablet, it looked like a comic of some kind.

Ask and Dare thing, w/ the Newscapecrew Where stories live. Discover now