I'm too excited to come up with a title

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Ember: "Guys, it finally happened. For once someone other than LitzBlitz commented on my story!! And not just one person TWO people! How awesome is that?!" She said with excitement, practically bouncing up and down.

Everyone, even a few members of the D-gang, gave her either cheers or applause.

Ember: "Ok, we have like 3 questions so we should probably get started because I have a tendency to ramble." She explained.

Ember: "The first question is from our usual LitzBlitz and they asked...oh, they asked a question for Don, ooh yay! I was waiting for one for him." She grinned.

The dark jester in question suddenly materialized behind her. "I heard my name?" He said.

She jumped and spun around to face him. "How did you do that?!" She cried with shock.

Don shrugged. "I'm an assassin, what'd you expect?" He stated simply.

Ember raised her finger as if to object but then shrugged. "You make a point. Anyway, we have a question for you." She said.

Don raised a brow. "Which would be?" He asked.

Ember squinted at the tablet in front of her. "Uh, LitzBlitz  asked, I presume because you're a jester, if you can do any sort of circus tricks like juggling and stuff?" She replied.

Don scoffed. "You know clowns and jesters aren't the same thing right?" He said with annoyance.

Ember rolled her eyes. "Yes, but they basically have the same job, it's just that jesters tend to have a higher...mortality rate than clowns. " she said with a wince.

Don snorted contemptuously. "Yeah yeah, whatever, and to answer your question, no, I can't. Unless fire breathing counts, but I was created with that so I don't think it counts." He said while breathing out a wisp of flame. (Don't...don't question my headcannons, I thought it would be cool.)

Ember shook her head. "If you were a real jester you would be killed off immediately." She grumbled.

Don sighed. "I know. Can I go now?" He asked.

Ember nodded her head. " Yeah, we still got more questions to go through. Can you go get Jon for me?"

Don let out an exaggerated sigh. "Ugh, Fiiiine." He groaned while walking away.

Jon came over a minute later. A minute later exactly.

"Don said you needed me?" He acknowledged as he came up.

She nodded. "Yeah, someone has a question for you." She answered.

Jon nodded his head in acceptance. "Ah, I see, from LitzBlitz again?" He questioned.

Ember gained an excited look across her face. "No, it's from someone new, it's from nayengal, and they asked if you're hair is actually, naturally green?" She responded.

Jon: "Oh, we got someone new?! Congrats! And uh, it actually is," he laughed." My dad was born with this hair color and so was I, and my sister, for that matter." (More weird headcannons, hooray) He explained.

Ember nodded her head. "I see, I was actually born with this hair color as well." She says while gesturing to her shoulder-length black hair with teal streaks.

Jon gave her a surprised look. "Really? I guess that makes sense. Is there anything else?" He asked.

Ember cringed. "Uh, They did say one more thing, it's a dare, and it's for everyone. I don't think you're going to like it." She answered.

Ask and Dare thing, w/ the Newscapecrew Where stories live. Discover now