Volume 5: A much Needed Talk, again...

Start from the beginning

Me: Look, I don't know, okay?! I don't know!!

Ozpin: Dr. Wrath! We need to know because Miss Rose and Miss Xiao Long were asking me about this matter late last night. So, I think we need explanations.

Qrow: Oz is right, Doc. And remember a Maidens' weakness are the silver-eyed warriors and somehow you have no effects on that power. How is that even possible?!

Me: Look, I don't know how either, so please take it ea--

Qrow: Easy? Yeah sure! Unless you tell us, we WON'T GO EASY ON Y--

Apollonir: ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apollinir stormed into the room as he banged the doors open, to Qrow, Ozpin and my shock as we never seen him this pissed of before.

I watched as he had his fiery death glare at Qrow as Qrow turned his angered look to a worried one, knowing that he has seen this before, but far more worse than this.

Qrow: I'm... sorry, Apollo.... I shouldn't have yelled at your son...

He said this as he calmly looked at me as he began to speak.

Apollonir: Son,.... remember the time when you asked about the white rose petal and I said that you'll know about it later?

Me: Yeah? Why?

As I asked, I noticed Ruby and Yang behind my dad as I looked up at him once again.

Me: Dad? What is....

Apollonir: (sighs) I guess we need to talk.

He said as he motioned his head to tell Ruby and Yang to go inside of the room as he locked the room up while sitting down onto a chair as he began to explain.

Apollonir: That rose petal.... holds the last remaining life of Summer Rose, Ruby's mother.

When we heard this, everyone looked in shock as I looked at my watch.

Me: The petal I have inside my watch is.... Ruby' mom?

Apollonir: Correct.

Yang: How? How did you save her?

Apollonir: I will get to that. I'm not like Oz, so, I'll spill it.

Yang: Well... okay.

Ruby: Okay.

Me: Let's have it, Dad.

Apollonir then took a deep breath as he began to answer everyone's question with a story.

Apollonir: It was a few years back after I've finished my mission. It was a mission to clear out all the Grimm from certain Villages around Remnant. Due to my powers and abilities, my mission ended early. So, in one of the villages I am at, I went into a bar and noticed Qrow drinking. So,...

Qrow: He joined me. He and I are good!

Apollonir: Yeah, better than you as I didn't get drunk.

RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now