¿Puedo besarte?

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No-one's POV

Hunk was in the kitchen, trying to figure out how to make cookies with Pidge, when Lance walked in, almost panicked, "Have either of you seen Keith? I wanted to talk to him but I can't find him.." Hunk looked at him, confused, "Training?" Lance shook his head, "He isn't there."

Pidge raised her eyebrow at him, "Why are you so sweaty?" "No reason. Have you seen him or not?" Pidge gave him a sly smirk, to which he glared at her, "Shut your quiznak." Lance walked out, looking all over for the raven haired boy. Where are you..? Lance got lost in his thoughts, wandering around the castle. When he snapped from his trance, he found himself at Keith's door. Like he's gonna be in here.. Lance rolled his eyes at the thought, knocking anyway, "Keith, buddy?" To his surprise, the door opened. "What do you want, Lance?"

Keith wore the same expression as always, arms folded over his chest. "Oh.. I.. Can I come in for a minute?" Keith gave him a questioned look, but stepped aside anyway. Lance walked over to his bed and sat down, looking at his hands and twiddling his thumbs, when Keith sat beside him, looking at nothing in particular.

"Just.. Listen, yeah?" Lance looked over at Keith, and he was surprised when he saw Keith looking back at him. Keith raised an eyebrow to him, but nodded anyway. So Lance began speaking, looking away.

"I know I sound like an idiot right now.. But.. Just hear me out.. I don't actually hate you, and I never have.. I pretended to back at the garrison because I thought it'd be best. I actually really like you, man. You're like.. Awesome. You're strong, agile, quick-thinking, always training, and when you want to be you're actually a really awesome person.. I.." He looked at the floor, not knowing what to say next, until Keith spoke up. It was quiet, but Lance knew what he'd said. "Disculpe, pero ¿puedo besarte?"

Lance looked at Keith, shocked, but he still wore the same expression, his dark eyes meeting Lance's. He was lost for words, not knowing what to say. So instead, he just inched his way closer, bringing his hand up to cup Keith's cheek, and kissed him.

It was a soft kiss, a light kiss, a slow kiss, the kiss you'd sit thinking about for hours on end. Lance loved it, it made his stomach dance. Keith could feel Lance's body heat from where he was sat, and it was nice, comforting. He felt like he'd finally done something he could be proud of. Like he'd finally accomplished something worthwhile. The two's lips moved in sync, and although both the boys were nervous as all hell, they enjoyed it. Keith turned his body to Lance's, pushing him down softly, never breaking the kiss, his arms either side of Lance's body.

The two parted when Keith brought his face away slightly, the words "Eres tan hermosa.." leaving his lips.

The two sat there, both content with the silence. Lance could see Keith perfectly clearly and Keith Lance. Lance looked into his eyes. Those beautiful eyes. Then he moved his hand up to his hair, his stupid hair that suited him and him only, stroking it softly, then his hand fell to Keith's jaw, that perfect jawline, moving along it, then his lips, those soft, beautiful lips. He then moved his hand back to his cheek, stroking it softly with his thumb. Neither of them wanted this moment to end, but Lance was curious.

"Why were you in your room all day?" Keith just looked at him, "I.. Would you believe me if I said I was tired of looking at you without being able to do anything?" Lance just smiled, kissing him once more.

About time this stupid rivalry came to a close.


So yeah, that's the 2nd one. I hope you enjoyed reading it and I'm always up for constructive criticism. Later pala-dudes.

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