Damnit Lance

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Keith's pov

I sat in my room, as I often did. Thoughts rushed into my mind faster than I could comprehend, each and every one of them dampening my mood even more. A knock at my door snapped me from my thoughts. I heaved myself from my bed, walking over to my door and opening it. Lance. "What do you want?" I rolled my eyes. He ignored my question, pushing past me and sitting on my bed. Something felt wrong. The door closed as I walked over to him leaned against the wall next to him, crossing my arms over my chest. "Well?" I asked. He just sat there, staring at his hands in his lap. "Can we talk?" His voice was shaky, cracking slightly as he spoke. I sat down on the floor so I could look at his face. He looked sad and disappointed. "Sure." I gave him a small smile, and he sighed heavily.

"Well.. Earth.. I miss it so much.. I miss my mamá, my papá, my abuelos, my cousins.. The rain.. God I miss everything about it.. I miss the smell of Winter, the feel of the grass.. The sun against my skin.. I miss it all.. And my family.. What if.. What if they're.." He started tearing up, his voice cracking even more and hands shaking. I stood up and sat beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder reassuringly. I put a hand on his chin and turned his face to mine, "Listen to me.. Your family is fine, I can assure you. And about Earth? Don't worry, we'll be back just as soon as all this mess is over with. It'll all be fine." I let my hand fall down to my side, keeping the other on his shoulder. He gave me a pained smile, tears staining his cheeks. "Yeah.. Sorry.. For disturbing you.. Dios, soy tan estúpido.. Estoy tan preocupada por mi familia..." His words came pouring out. "Lance." I said quietly, "I don't speak Spanish." He looked at me, "O-Oh.. Right.. I'm.. Just worried about my family.. I mean.. What if they hate me for leaving? What if the team hate me? What if I'm just as useless to them as any old human.. What if I'm nothing to any of them? What if they see me as this egotistical idiot who knows nothing and just makes eyes at every girl he sees? Wouldn't it be better if I just disappeared compl-" I put my hand over his mouth to shut him up. He was putting himself down, and I hated that. "Lance, nobody hates you. None of the team see you that way. We all love you, man. You're like the cool ninja sharpshooter. We'd be lost without you." I let my hand fall back to my side, "I don't think you realise how truly amazing you are. You're so caring and so considerate of other people's feelings and will do anything for them, even if it puts you down, you'd do anything for the team. Don't you dare give up on me, Lance McClain, you hear me?"

No answer. I thought I'd made him upset, until I felt something. It took me a moment to realise what was happening. Butterflies danced around my stomach. He kissed me. His lips were soft, wet with tears. I kissed back slowly, moving my hand up to his cheek, stroking it with my thumb slowly. What felt like moments was really minutes.

After a while we parted, our eyes locked, foreheads touching. He grinned slightly, I knew what was coming. "When were you gonna come out of the closet? Especially to me. I've had my eye on you for a while, pretty boy." His grin widened, my heart felt like it was going to explode. "I wasn't planning on it ever actually." Lance drew his head back, putting a hand on his chest dramatically, "You what? How dare you Keith. I am hurt." He then grinned again. That stupid grin.. The one that makes me fall for him all over again every time I see it..

Damnit Lance..


Alrighty, that's the first oneshot, I hope you enjoyed reading it! Vote & comment if you wanna :) see you smol beans in the next one, adios!

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