Weasleys and Hermione

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(August 31st) Grace's POV

Winter is now six weeks old and loves to run around the inn. We had to exit our room when a cat ran by chasing a rat. Of course Winter, decided to join in the tag game. "Winter get back here!" I shout running after the trio.

"Go away stupid mutt!" someone  shouts.

"Don't insult my dog" I snap scooping her up. "Ron, Hermione" I say smiling. Hermione is holding the cat while Ron holds his rat.

"Oh she's so cute" Hermione says looking at Winter.

"I'm warning you both, keep those animals away from Scabbers. Or I'll turn them into tea cosies" Ron tells us annoyed.

"It's a cat and a puppy Ronald, what did you expect" Hermione snaps.

"Besides, the worst you could do is change their fur colour" I add.

"It's ok Crookshanks/Winter, just ignore the mean little boy" Hermione and I tell our pets.

"Hello Harry" Ron says smiling up at my cousin who is looking down at us.

"Harry" Hermione says smiling. "This is my cat, Crookshanks" she states.

"This is my six week old English bulldog, Winter" I tell them.

"Why do you have her now? I thought dogs had to be eight weeks old before finding a new home" Hermione says confused.

"My aunt wanted to kill her when she was two weeks old and I happened to be there. No way was she killing the poor thing on my watch. So I took her and have looked after her ever since. I even have permission to bring her to Hogwarts" I explain.

"So are the rest of your family here?" Harry asks Ron.

"Yeah, in the dining area" he replies. So we all start to head there while Ron tells Harry about Egypt. Hermione tells me how she got Crookshanks. Apparently her parents gave her extra money saying she could buy a pet. She was going to get an owl while Ron got rat tonic for Scabbers. Who is feeling unwell. But Crookshanks jumped onto Ron's head scaring Scabbers and she fell for the cat. So bought him instead of an owl.

"Grace" Ginny says smiling.

"Hey Ginny, this is Winter" I tell her smiling.

"Oh, can I hug her?" she asks and I hand Winter to her. Only to be pulled into a bone crushing Mrs Weasley hug.

"Nice to see you again Mrs Weasley" I say smiling.

"It's nice to see you to dear" she says pulling away and gives Harry a hug. She then goes on about how Percy is the second head boy in the family. Mr Weasley so arrives as we all sit down to eat at the longest table. Winter eats from her food bowl and curls up beside Crookshanks under the table falling asleep. I smile, at least they get along.

"So dad, how are we getting to Kings Cross tomorrow?" Fred asks as we eat pudding.

"The Ministry's providing a couple of cars" Mr Weasley answers. We all look up at him.

"Why?" Percy asks curious.

"It's because of you, Perce" George states. "And there'll be little flags on the hoods, with HB on them..." he starts.

"...for Humongous Bighead" Fred finishes. Everyone except Percy and Mrs. Weasley snorted into their pudding. Me included.

"Why are the Ministry providing cars, Father?" Percy asks in a dignified voice.

"Well, as we haven't got one anymore and as I work there, they're doing me a favor" Mr Weasley states.

"Good thing too" Mrs Weasley adds.  "Do you realize how much luggage you've all got between you? A nice sight you'd be on the Muggle Underground...You are all packed, aren't you?" she asks.

"Ron hasn't put all his new things in his trunk yet" Percy states. "He's dumped them on my bed" he adds.

"I need to prepare Winter's carrier still" I tell her.

"You'd both better go and pack properly, because we won't have much time in the morning" Mrs Weasley tells us. I nod my head and collect Winter from under the table. I head towards my room with Ginny and Hermione in tow. We enter my room and I place Winter on her puppy mat.

I go over to her doggy bed/ carrier. It's just a wicker pet carrier with a removable door. I place a puppy pad down and then place her paw print blanket over it. I then place her favourite teddy bear inside. She wonders over and hops in cuddling up to her teddy bear.

"Aww, so cute" Hermione and Ginny says smiling.

"See you in the morning" Hermione says hugging me.

"Help me with my Transfiguration again this year?" I ask.

"Sure" she says with a chuckle as she leaves with her cat.

"So are we going to practice this year for Quidditch?" Ginny asks.

"Yeah, but there won't be tryouts until next year. At least we'll be prepared" I tell her smiling. Harry appears and Ginny leaves the room. I say goodnight to Harry and crawl into bed. Going to sleep dreaming about flying like a bird, free.


Picture above of Winter now and picture on the external link of Winter's carrier.

When this story finishes, there will be bonus chapters. (Such as; Grace getting her letter, going to Diagon Alley for the first time, flying away from Privet drive with Harry in the Weasleys car, and a few scenes from her first year etc).

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